Das is a Silvester 2024 boated in Munich – Munich

From A wie Austern bis P wie Pizza

I am Gasthaus Marie Therese we would like to hear from you first Silvester gefeiert. The new spearhead of the Theresienwiese is the least suitable for use with a menu from the following times. In the Variante with Fleisch and Fish (89 Euro pP), other Entenravioli with Trüffel, Zander on Champagner-Schaum and Hirschrücken in Kakao-Mantel were aufgetisch. The vegetarian menu (75 Euro pP) contains Kürbisravioli with Radicchio, fried Kräutersaitling and Blaukraut-Rouladen. If you want to buy a menu with a discount of 69 euros, this can be very good.

Letzte Chance, in L’Oca Bianca in Westend with Aperitivi, Austern und Häppchen zu feiern: Zum Jahresende muss die Tagesbar von Jonas Messerschmidt schließen. (Photo: Leonhard Simon)

Das Giesinger SalettaDuring the summer months there are open air, heißt am Silvesterabend and guesthouses will come. After the “Prinzip Schwemme” a man can enjoy his reservations for pizza and beer, says Co-Wirt Maximilian Heisler. If you come spontaneously, you can make a reservation for 4-course menus. “Surhax-Ravioli”, Saibling with Mangold and Schwarzwurzel, Rinderfilet with Pastinake, Kartoffelschnee and Portweinjus, and Schokokuchen with Orangensoße and Pistazieneis give a fair price of 69 euros per person. The kitchen was cooked for 22 hours, but it was ready for 1 hour.

Those who sat during Mitternacht and happily lied in Bett can end their Silvesterabend schon-tagsüber. I am L’Oca Bianca in Westend, the last day of the year is 14 to 20 hours with an Aperitif, Austern and Häppchen. Ebenso lads das Bingo bistro in the Glockenbach area from 13 pm to Champagner, Austern and Burgern. At 19 p.m., it is safe to do so, so we can reserve your reservation. Sarah Maderer

Party crasher for Jews Geschmack

Zeitreise zurück: Oldschool-Hip-Hop imposes the team of “Old but good” in the Ampere des Muffatwerks. (Photo: Tonio Lausberg)

Finally, we will continue to discuss this: The large “Silvestermeile” in Ludwigstraße has never been completed, it only started before New Year’s Eve 2025/2026. Of course, there is plenty of opportunity to enjoy these small masses, as well as for those masses.

Tradition hat zum Beispiel die Muffat Silvesterfest (from 8 p.m.). In the three areas of the Muffat workplaces the man feels a “Night of Uplifting Club sounds”. Setzte man hier früher auf Konzerte von Stimmungsgaranten who Shantel, kommen de Hits inzwischen zwar aus der Konserve, dies aber von der “Crème de la Crème der Nachtunterhalter”. The team of Fancy footwork last in der Muffathalle with “jeder Menge Glitterflitter-Beats” and Hits van Achtziger bis Zweitausender “die Diskokugeln wackeln”. I am the power of the zeitgeist with old school hip-hop for the Kopfnicker generation. And for feingeister-legen in the Muffatcafé DJ legend Florian Keller and Lars Bulheimof the guitarists of the first supergroup Super punkVinyl plates with Northern and Modern Soul zum Tanzen auf. Michael Zirnstein

Eight Drag-Queen-Contest winners of the years join Tollwood-Silvester in lip-synchronous Auftritt. (Photo: Raphael Tenant)

Auch both Silvester Festival at the Tollwood Festival find the finer points and the largest spa in the smallest Zelt: I am Esszimmer feiert das Harry Klein a comeback. The real Lieblings-Electroclub of the Munich people must leave its domicile and the Sonnenstraße, here will be a brilliant comeback for a Tanznacht. Mit DJ Karotte There is no where Techno-Star and Harry-Dauergast on, who is still von Videokunst (VJ Proximal); It’s a bit of a shock and strange: Eight winners of regular drag contests Lovers Lipsync treten an zum endguultigen Duell 2024. That could be a man who continues the years in Mitchillern – or a man who starts treibing with the Tausenden at 7 o’clock through the other bands of whoever Jamaram, Falschgeld or der Keller Steff Great bond. Draußen gibt is the best Blick on the Theresienwiesen-Feuerwerk and the Mitternachtswalzer (then it can occasionally be used 0.30 hours later in the Strom-Club).

The larger human dimension is so im Bahnwärter Thiel beim Bahnsteig-Silvester kommen, im Behind the scenes (Alternative Party “Fuck of 2024”), in der Night gallery with radio energy, im Night work club with Rock, a bit at Tollwood in the Zelten des Wannda-Zirkus-Märchenbasars in the Olympiapark, in discos wie dem NY.Clubdem Pachadem Palace and there 089Bar (with “Zeitzonen”-Mehrfach-Countdown) and at “Münchens größter Neunziger- und Ü30-Silvesterparty” in der Freiheitshalle. Michael Zirnstein

Film film for dem Anstoßen

In the musical film, which is being broadcast, pop star Robbie Williams is seen as a real daredevil. (Photo: Tobis Film)

Kino or Konzert? Both are the best: After all, they are traditional Silvester Concert of the Berliner Philharmoniker deutschlandweit and live in fell Kinos übertragen. In Munich sin there Gloria Filmpalastthat New Rexthat Kino Solln and die Astor Film Lounge in Arri Kino with dabei. The program includes the full-length Zweite Klavierkonzert by Johannes Brahms, and the Russian pianist Daniil Trifonov interprets the world. Play the Philharmonic under the Leitung of Kirill Petrenko, nor the festive Vorspiel from the Wagner Oper “Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg”, with beautiful instrumental music by Richard Strauss.

Cinema and film: That is natural immer, auch an Silvester. Auf fell Spielplänen stehen derzeit current Hits wie “Moana 2”, “Bad”, “Mufasa” Oder “Der Spitzname”A few Kinos comment on the previous films, which were not released until a year later. Wer potenzielle Hits wie “We live in time”, “Queer” or the Robbie-Williams-Affentheater “Better Person” Before others will see, I am Silvesterabend Opportunity dazu. Josef Grubl

Mit Swing in the new year

On Swing by Duke Ellington and Count Basie, Roman Sladek and the Jazzrausch Big Band meet at his Konzert in Bergson. (Photo: Stephan Rumpf)

Were musically at powerful parties and so nice and beschaulich with Swing on a new year an impulse, he can’t have any plan: Schon nachmittags spielt die Jazzrausch Big Band as house band des Bergson Kunstkraftwerk at 3 pm in Elektra Tonquartier, also the revolutionary new Konzertsaal, “The Music Of Duke Ellington & Count Basie”. There is no more techno-jazz, but the classic Big Band Swing plays Roman Sladeks’ Truppe classic. One of the crooner vocals on the Frankieboy is Romans Bruder’s sister Kilian Sladek.

Nor is it a matter of time before 19 pm Saal X des Gasteigs HP8: In Berlin der Zwanziger- und Dreißigerjahre führt Stefan Radtkes “Shellack Revue: For a Night of Fuller Seligkeit”. The director (Peter Wittmann) of a small Berliner Vorort-Theaters such as entertaining a song for the Abendvorstellung. That young Frau Lange (Anna Janina Remsperger), in her own right, has other musical performances than there are. Schon damals are old and new, different world views and moral developments, which become the hits of “Liebesleid” into “Kan denn Liebe Sünde sein”.

Weniger auf Zeit-as auf real Reisen since Quadro Nuevo subscribe. Deutschlands führendes Welt- und Salonmusik-Quartett a Mulo Francel hat in 25 years has traveled all Ecken der Welt and his music education. People with dementia have Francel, Andreas Hinterseer, DD Lowka and Chris Gall at ihrem Silvester Doppel Concert at 16 and 19 Uhr im Saal der Music College in Arcisstraße for your personal “Best-of” on the quality of the Wahl. In your fall you will be relaxed, engaged, swinging. Oliver Hochkeppel

Scharfsinniger Blick nach vorne

Max Uthoff played his active program “Alles in Wunderland”, a tour through the Wahnwitz der Welt, in the Kammerspielen. (Photo: Niels P.Jørgensen)

Traditionally spelled Django Asul seinen Jahresrückblick auch zheimal an Silvester. The front fork can last a long time. We have done a satirical investigation into the last years we found so that we can find another stand in the case Chamber games Platz, beit einer veldleicht noch pointierteren, boseren, luzideren Variant. Max UthoffTogether with Claus von Wagner and Maike Kuhl in the ZDF-‘Anstalt’ Speerspitze des Political Kabaretts, he played a 20-hour active program ‘Alles in Wunderland’. A tour through the Wahnwitz der Welt with intellectual insight and a broader state of affairs. Look for the right direction in the new year! Oliver Hochkeppel

Zum Abschluss was Schönes

Vor der Silvesterparty perhaps not so good in a Ausstellung? What doesn’t matter is that it is so beautiful at “Jugendstil – Made in Munich” in the Kunsthalle Munich. (Photo: Robert Haas)

Zunächst die bad Nachricht: Wer an Silvester nor een wenig Ausstellungsgenusss einplanen möchte, hat’s nicht ganz leicht. Although all the museums are large, they are: Silvester history. The German Museum is closed on 24 and 25 December. Now we have a good day: I will be happy on 31 December. Lenbachhaus (until 3 p.m.) and the Kunsthalle (until 5 p.m.). The Lenbachhaus itself provides the standard Sammlungen of the double configuration “Imitation of life” der Künstlerinnen Rosemarie Trockel and Thea Djordjadze on deck. An immense art construction can be a man with the larger Sonderschau “Aber live here? Don’t mention it. Surrealism and anti-faschismus” in the World of Surrealism.

Ouch die Kunsthalle Lädt an Silvester zu einem Ausstellungsbesuch ein: here läuft in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Stadtmuseum “Art Nouveau – Made in Munich”. If all design objects, furniture, clothes, shoes, gemstones and many other things in the Champagne-Laune are guaranteed, the old Silvesterabend are guaranteed. Übrigens: Am Neujahrstag haben vale Museen dann wieder geöffnet. Evelyn Vogel