Muri: Videoüberwachung bei Schulareal Badweiher


«Big Brother» nutzt: Wie Kameras am Schulareal Badweiher Vandalism stops

Muri setzt seit vergelegenen Frühling auf Videoüberwachung bei der Schulanlage Badweiher, vandalism and litter. Another couple in Ort since Kameras schon more Jahre im Einsatz. Community president Hampi Budmiger sees a positive Bilanz.

If the Murianer Schulareal has a Sachbeschädigung, it may be that the Frühling is a schwierigen Stand. While you are carrying out the installation of the Gemeinde of video cameras, it is wise to use the gelände-überwachen. Erfasst was performed at the Uhr of both velounterstände and in the Abend and Nachtstudies of the Fassaden of Turnhalle and the Schulgebäudes.

If the video recording takes place, the common manipulations and the many foreclosures and other problems will occur with spraying or littering. The debt burden of badweihers is away from the time to reach a hotspot and a vorfällen.

The room and the facade of the badweiher-schulanlagen are German and hereditary in sweat.

The room and the facade of the badweiher-schulanlagen are German and hereditary in sweat.

Image: Nathalie Wolgensinger

Die Gemeinde Muri looks at the video überwachung zu den Vorreitern. Bereits 2009 erliess der Gemeinderat een entsprechendes Reglement für das Schulhaus Bachmatten, in the Folgejahren kamen the Ostseite des Bahnhofs with the Veloständern and der Personenunterführung and the öffentliche Glassammelstelle an der Klosterfeldstrasse. If the room is in beige, has the situation changed? Community president Hampi Budmiger sees the AZ as a Bilanz.

Verursacher konnten zur Rechenschaft were sucked

“So it is definitive that the video recording is generally a high priority and says a clear view. That could happen in the final years of the celebration, Budmiger said. The trifft for the young installation at Schulhaus Badweiher is that the Vorfälle is significantly reduced, says Budmiger fest.

“There are some examples of video material that can be offered by the investigators.” A positive effect is also stimulating. When it comes to the other positions in Muri zu, the Kameras will stay in the bet longer.

If you are near the Velostat, the room is active.

If you are near the Velostat, the room is active.

Image: Nathalie Wolgensinger

In the 2024 annual program it is a matter of time with the title “Wir scaffolden das subjective Sicherheitsgefühl im öffentlichen Raum” setzed. If you are in Fokus, you can keep the Security Code or the Prevention and Hotspots of the Bahnhof or Schulhäuser informed. It is not possible to use mass comrades.

“With an investigation by plätzen or a higher price from the regional police, there is a report. If there is an illusion, then the man can set the vorfälle to zero runterbringen. Es gibt gewisse Grenzen», führt Gemeindepräsident Budmiger aus. The positive perception of open spaces is a tragic event, but that is not a significant problem. If Beispiel is the new Spielplatz at Badweiher-Schulhaus, it will be like this.

Regionalpolizei said a heiklen Tagen vermehrt Präsenz

Momentarily since we have been standing in the community for a long time to watch video, who will understand it. There are certain reductions in hotspots caused by vandalism or littering due to unwanted camera attacks and they can also be negotiated at any time. Life stops in warm years and others in winter. “Darauf can no longer respond with the Einsatz of the room,” so the Gemeindepräsident.

I am a prevention advisor who helps the regional police to improve controls and prices. If you experience Halloween at the end of October, the vandalism becomes increasingly worse. These themes that control E-Scooter-Benutzenden are one of the most common problems. “Man must be present, that the Regional Police are not in all 19 Gemeinden des Bezirks gleichzeitig präsent sein kann,” said Budmiger.

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