Freising: Maßnahmen im Kampf against the Kita-Krise – Freising

A platznappheit in the Kitas-entgegenzuwirken, beet more Gemeinden in the Landkreisen Freising and Erding several initiatives, which whole sollen. An overview of the hereditary Maßnahmen:

The Wärmestube in Freising is a fact Wunschoma + Wunschopa program and among the seniors and seniors it is possible that the big ones will get a lifestyle and care for children in a mini-job. The program is one of the most diverse alternative groups being developed and accomplished, creating a positive flow in the way the children are used.

For seniors and seniors, the promotion „Wunschoma + Wunschopa“ Struktur can be brought into the Alltag. The kind that becomes a new entrepreneur and more profitable person wins some kind of business. In a course we teach the “Wunschomas and -opas” everything about Erste Hilfe am Kind, practical Grundlagen der Pflege and der Beschäftigung with Kindern and Säuglingen, die Einführung and Umgang die in een Fremden Haushalt.

Interested seniors and seniors can send an email to [email protected] or contact Mittwochs and Freitags between 11:30 am and 2 pm by phone under 08161 864849. After the Bewerbung, Bewerberinnen and Bewerbers were requested all relevant information.

Nur freie Plätze were placed on the website

If the platzvergabe has its own process, it can die Website “Little Bird” morehelves. Since 2010, Kindertagesstätten-Plätze an Eltern has been closed because its registration has expired. Der Vorteil: If you only want to post a message to the institutions one more time, the chance of this may be greater. Statistics have been added to the family history of the website, which are available for your interest and are available for viewing.

With the dates of birth of the children, the wishes of the children, the postal dates and other filters are less noticeable, a free place is there, of all beddeckt. The city has been used by the program since September 2014, the war in the first municipality in Bavaria has started and the new system has been installed. At the Platzvergabe on the Herbst 2024 it is “Little Bird”, so Erdings Pressesprecher Christian Wanninger in October, Hauptgrund für den Erfolg. All Families with Anspruch on a Kitaplatz, the Verwaltungsplattform could become a solcher-zugeteilt.

City of Erding

:Quickly find everything on a Kitaplatz

In the Bürgerversammlung sale of OB Max Gotz, who is one hundred percent absent in the Stadt der Bedarf.