The United Nations in New York offer a stage, open to the Ukraine and Russia. President Selenskyj arranges a Diplomat Dorthin, who is known in Germany.
Defense Minister Boris Pistorius warned of a hybrid attack on Germany by more or less hidden Russian Kriegsführung on Geheiß von Kremlchef Wladimir Putin. “Putin greift hybrid en Deutschland is besonders im Focus. There is a feeling that Putin knows, who is Nadelstiche with a setzen muss,” said the SPD politician the Zeitungen der Funke Mediengruppe.
The Federal Ministry of Defense has defined hybrid military operations as “combination of classical military units, economic pressure, computer management and propaganda in the media and social networks”. The soul of the Angreifer is that no damage has occurred, but that there are particular entities that destabilize and the consequences of the action come into effect. Insulting pluralistic and democratic companies can lead to anxiety attacks here and is therefore easily exploitable.”
Pistorius points out that it is difficult that the German country is waving here. ‘There was once an attempt, one of the Putins who were busy establishing their power. If the beds are ignored, we will make an unmanaged situation smaller, but a lot bigger.” There is a fear of infrastructure and energy supply, an activity in Nord- and Ostsee, which is Regelverstöße in Luftraum.
“Hinzu kommen Kampagnen in de social media, de Beinflussung von Wahlkämpfen und de Finanzierung von Stimmen, who behaupten with AfD and BSW, us is not going to have our own Schutz, would be a würden on a Krieg with Russia, “said the wise Pistorius . Everything related to Putin’s strategy is sold and used by the government. “If everything is to be done, we will be prevented from doing so by Putin’s Strategy.”
Selenskyj dreams of yellowing singing in the Russian region
Russia is rapidly passing through the years and the Australian border regions are moving towards Ukraine with the nighttime Luftangriffen further. The Ukrainian Luftwaffe plays at night on Sonntag zahlreiche Russian Kampfdrohnen am Himmel. Russian Flugzeuge warden Gleitbomben on the Donezk and Cherson areas. The Ukrainian General Staff launched attacks on the Front in Ukraine. In the Russian Border Region-Kursk, the Moscow troops are being sold with all their might, the Ukrainian soldiers are away.
Ukrainian President Wolodymyr Selensky has continued his attack on military conflict in Russia in preparation for the Russian air force. “We were going to die again in Russian military souls with Drohnen and Raketen angreifen,” he said in a video response. It is more and more self-production of Waffen in Ukraine. There is talk of “the military base, the Russian military infrastructure, which is a popular world for that terror.”
Mit Terror meinte is the young Russian air force in Kiev, Kherson and other cities. In der gangenen Woche habe Russland more as 550 Gleitbomben, fast 550 Kampfdrohnen and more than 20 Rockets different Types gegen die Ukraine eingesetzt, write Selenskyj in sozialen Netzwerk X.
Ukrainian Drohnen travel in Samstag Wohnhäuser in the Russian Millionenstadt Kasan, etwa 1100 Kilometer von der Ukraine entfernt. In the western Russian region, a dry dust shelter has been established in Brand, the state security agent reported last night. Weitere Drohnen über der Region Brjansk be abgeschosssen, before you cause damage, this is a commotion on the regional administration. Both Kriegsparteien are in the Rule of a non-dependent überprüfen.
Selenskyj has no personal attention from CIA chief Burns. Photo: Uncredited/Ukrainian Presidential Press Service/AP/dpa
Friendly Worte for CIA Chief Burns in Kiev
Selensky worked in Kiev with the divorced director of the US-Australia CIA, William Burns, and thanked his father for his work. “We will be a sicher, and we will see the best, the Krieg with a real and truly fried ending,” the president wrote on Samstag on the platform X.
The Spitzen diplomat Burns (68) has led a democratic and republican leadership in the US – another botschafter in Russia and as a minister of state. When the CIA chief was appointed in Moscow and overseas in November 2021, Putin was threatened by Ukraine. US recognition of the Russian Truppenaufbau half Kiew, on the Einmarsch in February 2022, before it was finished. These are the spätere Verteidigung des Landes that were the Russian invasion and the American secret service in essence.
Botschafter Melnyk denounces Ukraine at the UN
The frühere Ukrainian Botschafter in Deutschland, Andrij Melnyk, will cultivate a new country at the Vereinten Nationen in New York. Selensky has discovered the extension of the time of the Botschafters in Brazil, the bisherigen UN representative Serhij Kyslyzja has conquered the world.
Berlin, Kiev, Brasília – now they are ready for Botschafter Melnyk zu den Vereinten Nations. (Archivbild) Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa
As a Botschafter in Berlin, Melnyk could attack the Bundesregierung unchanged and take critical paths to the zögerlichen Waffenhilfe in the Abwehrkampf against Russia. In October 2022 it will be a matter of Kiew zurück and wurde Vizeaußenminister. In June 2023 we became a Botschafter nach Brasilien. In New York, the keen diplomat will meet another man at the Russian UN-Botschafter Wassili Nebensja.
Awesome article