As functional as the Asian Feuer-Fondue

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As functional as the Asian Feuer-FondueWie raclette, nur else: Hot Pot is a typical Asian Essen, which is still credible in Germany. © szeyuen/PantherMedia

If fondue and raclette in silver are no longer tasty, then it is wonderful to eat in Asia: the classic Hot Pot is delicious.

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dieser Nachricht

  1. Feuertopf met meer Geschichte”,”position”:1″, “storyElementPosition”:10″, “storyElementCount”:69″}}”>Hot Pot: Ein Feuertopf with longer history – More than 1,500 Jahre tradition
  2. The best Hot-Pot model in the table”,”position”:2″, “storyElementPosition”:10″, “storyElementCount”: 69″}}”>The best Hot-Pot model I am Überblick – From modern to traditional
  3. Who made a Hot Pot and was braucht man dazu?”,”position”:3″, “storyElementPosition”:10″, “storyElementCount”:69″}}”>Who drank Hot Pot? and was braucht man dazu? – As functional as Asian fondue
  4. What comes into the Hot Pot?”,”position”:4″, “storyElementPosition”:10″, “storyElementCount”:69″}}”>Was kommt in the Hot Pot? – Zubereitung und Zutaten
  5. perfect Wahl for Silvester ist”,”position”:5″, “storyElementPosition”:10″, “storyElementCount”:69″}}”>Warum Hot Pot dice perfect Wahl for Silvester ist – Pleasant and healthy

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Silvester goes for the Tür, and whoever spends his year with family or friends in a Muss. Classic who Raclette and Fondue since last year’s celebration of Favorites.

What would it be like if it came onto the market with a geschmackliche revolution? The Hot Pot, an Asian dish, is the perfect alternative. There are many common dishes, a gender and a few spas in a particular purpose. From meat, fish, tofu or jelly – to Hot Pot you will find the costs accordingly.

Hot Pots at Amazon

Hotpot: Ein Feuertopf with longer history

The Hot Pot, how Huo Guo is annoyed, has a long tradition, which is ins 5. Jahrhundert zurückreicht. Urspünglich aus China The idea of ​​Feuertopfs spread in many other countries in Asia, such as Japan, Vietnam, Korea and Thailand. The gratitude is simple and ingenious: in the middle of the kitchen there is a top with kochenderbrühe, in the other area you can use and cook.

Früher possessed man special Kupfertopfe with Kohle, during the Schornsteinartige fluid absorption. Hot bowls electric model or Gasbrenner zum Einsatz, de Erlebnis auch zu Hause einfach umsetzbar machen. Hot Pot connects Genuss with Gemeinschaft – if you separate it yourself, there was a large amount of beer and it wanted to be genius in Essen.

The best Hot-Pot model I am Überblick

Welchen Topf If you use the Hot Pot Wählen, it is up to your personal preference. Is it the right tradition in a kitchen with Schornstein genius or which modern electric variant? The inside of the Asian states is a large part of the world. Suggest the credible Hot Pots.

Der Modern Klassiker

Food Party Hot Pot Electric 4LFood Party Hot Pot Electric 4L © lighthouse/PantherMedia, Food Party

This electric Hot Pot is a place for people and light thanks to the timely cooking time of both different Brühen. The heating element ensures quick cleaning and the anti-haft coating is easy to clean.

Ideal for Enjoy your stay with undisturbed Geschmäckern. Practical, efficient and uncomplicated.

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The bestseller

Food Party Electric Hot Pot and GrillFood Party Electric Hot Pot and Grill © lighthouse/PantherMedia, Food Party

This combination includes a 2.5-liter hot pot and a large grill plate for eight people. Thank you for the adjustment of the Hot Pot and the Grill, individually tailored – perfect for the different kitchen combinations from Hot Pot to the Korean BBQ. Amazon bestseller with 2,500 reviews and 4.3 out of 5 stars.

Ideal for large cattle, the Abwechslung lieben. Flexible, flexible and ideal for some essentials.

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Der Traditionelle mit Schornstein

Chinese Holzkohle-Hotpot 2.3 LiterChinesischer Holzkohle-Hotpot 2.3 L © lighthouse/PantherMedia, Quiltern

This classic Hot Pot from Edelstahl and Kupfer is a traditional Beijing version with central Schornstein for the Holzkohleheizung. The high material is suitable for fast and soft warmth, which makes the elegant design with a Chinese script a bit nostalgic.

Ideal for Liebhaber traditionaleller Zubereitungsmethods. A stylish model for an authentic Hot-Pot experience.

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Der Thai Grill for Genießer

Tom Yang HotpotTomYang Hot Pot © lighthouse/PantherMedia, TomYang

The TomYang Hot Pot combines grill and hot pot in one device and provides anti-haft protection for uncomplicated dishes. Special highlight: the grids of the grill fly directly into the soup, creating some grilled dishes.

Ideal for Feinschmecker, the Thai barbecue effect in the house can be good. High quality and a large number of dishes, the delicious cuisine and healthy food are delicious.

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Nabemono, the Japanese Hot Pot

Japanischer Koch-Topf with HolzdeckelKitchenCraft Japanese Koch-Topf with Holzdeckel from Gusseisen © lighthouse/PantherMedia, KitchenCraft

This Japanese Gusseisentopf is perfect for the traditional Nabemono-Gerichte and offers an excellent Wärmespeicherung. After the man found a Japanese feuertopf, the barrel was fertigated and was bought by another crime. The holzdeckel and the stable rack are provided with the tableware, using the top of the keep warm function, including the input, which can be used. With Japanese Hot Pot the sauce is higher, regionally soy sauce and miso brühen are used.

Ideal for Liebhaber der Japanese Küche. A more robust, more top product for authentic and demanding Hot-Pot experiences.

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The Tartar hut of the Mongols

More electric 3in1 Tatar hutRosenstein & Söhne Electric 3in1 Tatarenhut © lighthouse/PantherMedia, Rosenstein & Söhne

The Tartar Hut from Mongolia combines Grill, Fondue and Raclette in a Gerät en bietet Platz for every person. Grillgut is prepared on the Hutspitzen, with the aromatic casserole in the fondue rinne fly – perfect for making jelly or as a würzsoße.

Ideal for Liebhaber rustic cuisine and cozy Abende. There are a number of 3-in-1 devices for a few simple devices.

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Can a Hot Pot be a fondue top?

The story is theoretical. Allerding’s sin Fondue topfe smaller and differently designed. If you see the Möglichkeit, you will be able to see them again in time. Dadurch können Sie weniger Zutaten gleichzeitig used. Think of larger rounds or a more authentic experiment with the Hot Pot Topf.

Who drank Hot Pot? and was braucht man dazu?

The Herzstück des Hot Pots is the Brühe. There is a large top layer in the middle of the Tisches. Jeder Guest has the option, small Fleisch- or Gemüssehäppchen in the purchasing Flüssigkeit that you get and your individual yarn.

Damit das Gelingt, benötigen Sie some weighty Zubehörteile:

  • Essstäbchen Oder Fondue Gabeln: If all goes well, die from the Brühe to the fish.
  • Schöpflöffel and Siebe: Ideal, more Stückchen auf eenmal herauszuholen.
  • Moist insätze: Practical, a zum Beispiel Dim sum or Tofu glaze for cooking.
  • Small Counter and Sauce bowls: Jeder Gast braucht Platz for seine Zutaten und Dips.

Wer es traditional mag, zuätzlich aromatisch Sauces und Reis or Glasnudeln als Beilage.

Was kommt in the Hot Pot?

Der Hot pot lebt von seiner Vielseitigkeit. Everything starts with an aromatic concoction that enhances the taste of the meal. Selbstverständlich können If you select yourself, you can work best. Here you will find one of the credible results.

These products are better than the Hot Pot:

  • Gemuse: Spinat, Brokkoli, Pak Choi, Karotten, Chinakohl
  • Fleish: Rind, Schwein, Hühnchen (in thin Scheiben geschnitten)
  • Tofu: Party or middle week
  • Lager: Shiitake, Mushrooms, Enoki
  • Meeresfrüchte: Tintenfisch, Garnelen, Hummerfleisch
  • Nudeln: Glasnudeln, Reisnudeln

If you want the heat to be mild or damaging, Hot Pots can get too hot in just a few minutes. Wer es more intensive mag, fügt more Chili and Szechuan-Pfeffer hindu. In the Thai variant, the Hot Pot is an integrated grill. A fitting one Rezept zur Zubereitung find your video.

Hot Pot Cleaning: Darauf müssen Sie eighten

If you want to use a Hot Pot and its components, this might be the best way to play the game. Electric Hot Pots must be cleaned by hand when cooking time is over. If Gusseisen no longer deals in the washing machine, email the Töpfe hinges.

Warum Hot Pot Dice perfect Wahl for Silvester ist

Der Hot Pot brings Abwechslung in Ihr Silvesteressen. Nothing ever happened, but it’s not like it has some kind of yarn in it that’s in an aromatic mixture. Enjoy your time with these fantastic variations and pass by your own Geschmack an.

Another experience: A hot pot in the house is the best taste if you enjoy it in a restaurant, but also enjoy an authentic experience. Many Asian restaurants offer a Hot-Pot-Menu a little less, which is a price and a higher price of 40 Euro per person. If your house is in Germany, the Hot Pots cost 30 to a maximum of 100 euros.

Außerdem borders felle Restaurants den Aufenthalt on a maximum of 2 Stunden – a problem, that they are private (Silvester-)Feier not haben. Gerade in urban regions is convinced that the Hot Pot has a credibility – a trend that is increasingly found here.

Hot Pot Topf filled with SoßeHot Pot Eignet is optimal as a cozy and healthy Silvester Dinner. © lcc54613/PantherMedia

Fazit: Hot Pot – the trend for more anlasse

Wer Silvester in een geselliger Runde-genießen möchte, trifft mit dem Hot pot a reforming Wahl. If you make a purchase for a certain mistake, which guarantees that it will not work, then a leak has been found. Delicious, healthy and uncomplicated – the Hot Pot is the perfect alternative to fondue and raclette.

A more culinary Start in a new war, nor so simple! Good appetite and great Spa while cooking together!