Target Action: Skills feedback and adjustments ()

The Target Corporation performed a Kursentwicklung operation several years ago. The agreement with the US-Einzelhandelsriesen started on 27. December with a value of 135.25 USD, a Tagesverlust of 0.84 Percent was purchased. This last time, the action can be performed in one go 2.26 percent of the time. With a market capitalization of 59.6 billion euros, the target is one of the top players in US retail.

Target Action: Skills feedback and adjustments ()

Fundamental dating says solid Basics

The active knowledge of the internal systems has been carried out in a stable manner. With a Kurs-Umsatz-Verhältnis of 0.58 and a Kurs-Gewinn-Verhältnis of 14.98 presented as Target zum Jahresende 2024 in a solid Verfassung. The dividend policy lasts for one year with an increase of USD 1.12 per quarter.


Target promotion: Buy or sell?! New Target Analysis from 28. Dezember loves the Antwort:

The current Target-Zahlen express a clear Sprache: Urgent Handlongsbedarf for Target-Aktionäre. Do you want to make a purchase or another purchase? In the free analysis of 28. This month the time had come.

Purpose: Buy or sell? Read more here…