Der Anschlag auf a Russian General on the Strasse in Moscow said that the Schwäche der Russian Secret Service. Statt bedrohte Personen die schützen, beschäftigen sie ich mit der Festnahme angeblicher Spione in Land.
Winter on Roten Platz in Moscow. The Kreml puts its secret service on an English “Vaterlandsverräter” and. The Schutz von high-ranking officers and critical propagandists for Anschlägen fehlen de Ressourcen.
Der Mann can no longer have a name, but no degree of service. So, so I’m at Telefon, man can I imagine my highest level in the Security Service of Ukraine, the SBU. Dann dementia is one of the most common, typical Secret Services: “Nicht an offizieller of the SBU-Sprecher who knows best, which gives a hint of the Vernichtung of Generalleutnant Igor Kirillow Stecken.” Trotzdem, the general made clear the Kombattant, Kriegsverbrecher and a legitimate military soul. uses JavaScript for some functions. Every browser or adblocker disappears temporarily.
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On the morning of this week, Kirillow, Commander of the Russian Defense Force for Atomic, Chemical and Biological Verteidigung, went to live in a living room on Rjasansker Prospekt in South Moscow. Signal Adjutant war at ihm. As the men fall from the sky, they explode a bomb and die in an E-Roller entering a flat war.
I was the first member of the Secret Service SBU with the Generalleutnant General, who was responsible for 4,800 people’s right-wing chemical forces on the Ukrainian troops. After sending messages to the Ukrainian portal and Reuters agents, there are messages about the SBU-Quellen, the Secret Service about the Verantwortung for the Anschlag.
Putin calls ‘Patzer’
Wladimir Putin scoffed at his press and citizens’ conference in the Donnerstag, which has a “terrorist character of the electoral regimes”. Kirillows did not fall in the fall. Putin was the right-wing journalist Darya Dugina who carried a car bomb to war in August 2020. “Solche Patzer darf man nicht mehr jijassen.” Wenige Stunden später reported a Russian Nachrichtenportal, Generaloberst Nikolai Jurjew, Chief of the Military Service of the Internal Service of the FSB, who would be arranged in Rente.
The Russian Krieg is a Krieg of the Secret Service in Ukraine. On the Ukrainian page you can view all SBUs and the assistance of the Ukrainian Defense Ministeriums (HUR), where chef Kirilo Buda is now a medior in Kiev. Your wider page on the Russian page is for the military targeting service GRU and for all FSB. The Internal Secret Service of the FSB is the most powerful state organ in Russia, there is the strong Soviet KGB and the House Force of the gelernten KGB agents Wladimir Putin. If the Russian service is lost at the Kriegsbeginn, if the Widerstandskraft of the Gegners is sufficient. Ebenso whose husband dies in August after the Ukrainian invasion of the Kursk region.
The Tschekists, which the FSB officials have made after their Bolshevik advances, cannot get any hindrance from the Ukrainian commandos in Russia who are targeting prominent Kriegspropagandist machines. Ausser Dugina said in April 2023 the Petersburger Kriegsblogger Wladlen Tatarski. Nationalist scribe Sakhar Prilepin is said to have used a car bomb for a month. Auch Rüstungstechnicie sterben, Mitte December erschoss een Killer in een Moskauer Park by Konstrukteur Michail Schatski, de Marschflugkörper und Drohnen entwickelte.
And if you put in more effort, your office will be higher. I am July in Moscow a Autobombe Oberst Andrei Torgaschow, Leiter a Arbeitsgruppe des Russian Generalstabes, both Füsse ab. In mid-October, Nikita Klenkow, Chief of Staff for Special Operations, arrived in Moscow. Mid-November Kam Waleri Trankowski, Commander of the 41st Raketen-Schnellboot-Brigade, at a bombing attack in Sewastopol in the Pkw of Leben. «Where can you die from here without protection?», says the ultra-straight Portal «Zargrad».
Rasche Gestandnisse
All offers from the FSB clean a tag after Kirillows Tod a video, on a 29-year-old USB recording of an absolute overview: There has been a help from the Ukrainian secret service to the Roller and the bomb has exploded. “Man hat with 100,000 dollars and a European Pass issued.” There are powers that have a little bit of power, but there are a few bruises where they show.
Human judges are having a party, going through the FSB to Drohungen, Prügel or Elektroschocks going to Mittel, a potential state border area to the Zwangen. When you are in Zweifelsfall, it is best to choose from your fahnden.
Der im exil lebende Russian Rechtsanwalt Jewish Smirnow veridigte jahrelang angebliche Landesverräter, who were brought by FSB-Ermittlern before Gericht. Ganz oben, so Smirnow, herrsche die Überzeugung, dass in Russland ever meer Ausländische Spione am Werk seien, denen man das Handwerk legen müsse.
Hohe Prämien
Seit Wladimir Putin 2018 was fabulous for the hyperscale rockets, which the FSB elevated to the vaterländische Wissenschafter, which no rockets could use, but as one of the most likely results. They were completely innocent of Laut Smirnow. “Auch die Ermittler knew, it is factual that there is an innocent guilt,” says er. “Ihre Motivation ist die von Scharfrichtern – Befehle was nicht discutiert.” If you do this, it will be a “solved surprise fall” with high Prämien and Beförderungen.
Possibly deprived persons of protection, their way of working, videos of care rooms or the herrenlose e-trottinette of control, proposes a more aufnauwen, aber less career Fleissaufgabe dar.
The FSB chief Alexander Bortnikow (73) and his GRU colleague Sergei Naryschkin (70) have the other Kumpel des Mittlerweile 72-year-old Putin. “The generation would still have been founded by the NKWD officers, while Stalin’s Erschiessungskommandos were at work,” said the evil Duma General Wladimir Ryschkow. Ukrainian Wasil Maljuk and Kirilo Budan are between 41 and 38 years old. I am Gegensatz zu Putin’s Altmen were both Frontkämpfer in Donbass in 2014.
2014 started in Ukraine, with the American military service in the US and after Great Britain to the schicken. SBU and HUR work together with creative project teams. Budanow is possible for its innovative Drohnen- und Raketentaktiken, Maljuk’s SBU goes to the Schwimmdrohne «Sea Baby» and new methods of responses: After the Explosion eines Lastzugs full Sprengstoff on the Krim-Brücke in Herbst 2022 verriet Maljuk, from the FSB has hinterher 22 Russian Schmuggler verhaftet, de gar nicht gewusst hätten, dass 23 Tonnen Sprengstoff mogelt hätten by the Russian Controls.
Laut dem Russian Secret Service experts Andrei Soldatow agiert der SBU in Feindesland seemlich abenteuerlich: Hauptsache, man erreiche sein Ziel, egal, was as the Ausführenden worde. The FSB wiederum could not hinder a problem, but it could not be a serial celebration. Bisher believed that the Russians were not professionals, the organized organizations.
Russian Anschläge auf Budanow, first right on the Ukrainian President Wolodimir Selensky separated, a mutmasslich in Moskau gesteuertes Attentat auf the Rheinmetall-Chef Armin Papperger in Deutschland.
“Aber der Russian Gegner is not yet a matter of success, there is now another soul,” says the anonymous SBU official. FSB and GRU sold massive young Ukrainian companies, a number of auto Ukrainian soldiers. The first part we saw at a Sprengstoffanschlag for a Recruitment Office of the Ukrainian Streitkräfte in Dnipro, sold more than ever before. Think of it as Soul. “The Russians have had sense, in Ukraine the masses of people have grown taller and lighter than the general population.”
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