Ciochirca: “The successful Entwicklung über mehr als een year man nicht in 18 Monaten korrigieren”

Österreich’s Top-Schieedsrichter Christian-Petru Ciochirca spoke in a kicker interview about the Gründe for the Leistungsschwankungen of the secretive Unparteiischen, the next Schritt zur Semi-Professionalisierung, the positive Einfluss of Viktor Kassai and his Reizthema VAR.

Herr Ciochirca, which Schulnote würden Sich für Ihre Leistungen in der abgelaufenen Herbstsaison geben?

I would have lived my own life. There were many positive reactions, but of course there are also divorces that the man has let go of. I have had a recurring experience.

In Welchen Bereichen gibt es am meisten Verbesserungspotenzial?

It was a fact worth winning. One of the weights is the handling of the game. With the Captain’s Talk hat you can use a tool that can make a translation with the capital. It is a new component, the man can go crazy, when the protagonists will do this. If you want, it is not possible that there is potential.

How do you see the capital arrangement?

Criticism of me, the emotional nature of football is no longer abhandenkommt. It is a very good choice – for the sports consumers. Emotionally it is not the case that man can give birth on the Platz, no matter how man will do that. In other sports it is not as extreme as in football. These Auswüchse are the UEFA and the FIFA erkannt. This problem war is one of the best photos and the children’s and amateur sports transport. If it is more normal to benefit, it will take longer. I think the question about the rules is, it’s a matter of Gewalstexzessen kommt.

Die Schiedsrichter stehen weltweit Woche für Woche in der Kritik. Was it a good idea that that path could be taken once and for all?

When there are more options, the positive aspects and their own characteristics are greater than ever and the school is connected. If I do play a sport, the wise one will if I do, it is a dream when the Kreuzband goes on a trip. Negative aspects are a leader.

We look at the negative aspects: the time of EM 2008 was a matter of Austrian Schiedsrichter but also a major problem. Why?

The biggest punk is that it is not a professional professional company in Österreich. A number of professional writers have appeared, but none have reached the level of other countries. Was positive erwähnen muss: Seitdem Viktor (Kassai, technical director of the referee department, Anm.) that is, has a clear image and a clearly defined path. We never brauchen nor etwas Zeit.

From 2008 to 2023 it is no longer passive. We would like to have a look at the back again.

Christian-Petru Ciochirca on the road to semi-professionalization at the eastern Schiedsrichter

Stichwort Professionalization: Woran mangles the Austrian Schiedsrichterwesen concrete?

There are clear structures and extensive international connections. We live in the lost 18 Monate aber schonviele Schritte gemacht. From 2008 to 2023 it is no longer passive. We would like to have a look at the back again. Viktor told us that we would like to get feedback on a situation where he is helping his assistants stop the seminar. Viktor, together with the Leiter des Programs, Stefan Meßner, Thomas Einwaller, has developed a mentor program with international top players. If you are in the Back Office, you can enlarge the Mitarbeiter. As heißt immer, that the Schiedsrichter Profis sein müssen, aber dafür müssen schon auch the Rahmenbedingungen pass. It is passionate all the same.

Ali Hofmann, leader of the Schiedsrichterabteilung, has had a kicker interview for his training to become a full-fledged professional in Österreich, ausgeschlossen. Who has found the schiedrichterwesen here if he or she is looking for a solution?

The semi-professionalization is a fact and it is the first time that you are doing this. It is possible that a disinterested model is being used, but it is likely that there is a problem in the brotberuf situation. It’s not like it’s going that fast. There is an arbitration award, but it is possible that the judge will no longer have more power if there is a Nebenanstellung-hätten. If you have to deal with Beamte etc. again, it can’t last longer.

It is a family business and it is not possible to become a Dolmetscher. Do you want to know whether the work as a Schiedsrichter is dadurch erschwert?

It’s one of the things you can do if you’re skittish while having leistungsschwankungen. If an international man has not started yet, it may be the odd occasion that he takes part in one of his three matches. Although we learn in terms of energy level, as we pass through time we will regenerate and analyze. A lot has happened with the breeding and the family business, which has been carried out as standard. It is so important that the semi-professionalization is so difficult. It will not be the case that it will no longer occur, but not to that higher extent.

Is this the Grund, where is the end of TV-Bilder in een wieder noch gravierenden Fehlentscheidungen kommt?

Yes. So long as the person who is able to cope with it is also happy with his or her expertise. Fußballer has a good rhythm that can be played from 20, 30 or 40 stunden in another work. The structures are never ideal. It is certainly a freshness of the past. It is extremely fast, it was not possible to do anything about it. I don’t think it’s the case that the turnover is used, but it is possible that you will live in healthcare in the future.

They have been pipped to Noah in the Conference League this season by Chelsea. Who felt in secret and the secret Schiedsrichter nor at the international Top Level?

I don’t think it’s a matter of the regularity of the Top Level to keep working. During those years we had a lot of success in the Europa League, in the Conference League and in international friendship games. It is a process that makes up for the time. The fehlende Entwicklung has become corrective money in 18 months more than a year ago. If an investor comes into football and plays a match in the Champions League, the next time it will be in the Anspruch period. Man must start a process and continue with his work. Who has difficulty processing a process? I’m happy, that is the result of solid beinen stht. If you look at the strategy, this is the case.

A major travel theme is who will be happy for the VAR in Austria during the 2021/22 season. What about further development of a major deal for the video recordings?

Grundsätzlich hat ich der VAR ganz gut etabliert. If you are bored, there are some modern and modern Hilfsmittels for us. It is clear that we are getting more information about the Akzeptanz at Spielern, Trainers and Fans doing more. The separation processes have not become more transparent and versatile. Leadership is a good tool, it’s perfect. And: Dreieinhalb Jahre takes a long time, it is for that, if it is other football, a relatively short time. The FIFA test is done and will face the challenges. We are looking at the next Schritt, a VAR is no longer as critical as you see. Complete Akzeptanz cannot be generated. As other sports artists get involved with Eihockey, the videos will open. I think the discrepanz and the communication and the greater transparency lies.

Grundsätzlich stops the VAR for a sinful instrument?

Yeah, nothing ever happened, so Druck dropped out. If the debate is so heated, it may be that the VAR-keine discussion is more likely to happen – and you can see that it may not have grown yet. Look at the geopolitical themes that surround us. It is football that is entitled to a rejection first.

Sowohl in Österreich as well as in Germany wurde in this Saison the RefCam eingesetzt, a Zuschauern a Einblick in the Arbeit der Schiedsrichter zu geben. Who is this tool if you look, what is more Akzeptanz to buy?

It is a super instrument, but lately there has been a universal standard for the lightning shop of the Schiedsrichters. Anyway, the complex and dynamic game is a good separation in today’s times. Damit offers man respect for the physical and mental recovery as a Schiedsrichter.

We are waiting for the Bruno Gala during the 2023/24 Ausgezeichnet season. How is your heart doing as Schiedsrichter noch führen?

Of course, my trauma is a big step in Turnier. My main concern is that I am one of the best players in the next category of UEFA. The results of solo work are increasingly part of teamwork. If all goes well, the moment is when the right people in the work have reached one of the Schiedrichterwesen in Österreich voranzubringen.