The Hinweise condense themselves, as Flug J2-8243 of a Russian Flugabwehrrakete zum Absturz brought wurde. Jetzt brought into play a military expert and an important military friend-General Recognition of the Russians. An even more exasperated NATO general said: The ‘Fog of War’ may have produced a resounding reaction in the gang.
In the morning you will build a passenger machine der Fluggesellschaft Azerbaijan Airlines vom Typ Embraer 190 nahe der kasachischen Stadt Aktau ab. 38 of 67 Insassen lost in one hour of Leben, 29 überlebten. Now Russia is in the Center of Discussion: There is more to it than that the machine was damaged by a Russian Flugabwehrrakete.
The Swiss military expert Albert A. Stahel has received FOCUS online: “The basis for the information provided is that these are plausible.” This is the basis for the accompanying parallels with further honors: “This is the first Mal, that is a serious safety measure. aine russische bodengestützte Fliegerabwehrlenkwaffe abgeschossen wird. I ended up in the Abschuss of MH17 during the Ostukraine in 2014.”
Absturz in Kasakhstan: Does Russia’s Freund-Feind-Recognition change?
Stahel sees the operation of the Freund-Feind-Recognition of the Russian Flugabwehrsystems in a Hauptgrund for the Absturz. „Entweder hat das System versagt, or es taugt grundsätzlich nicht zur Unterscheidung zischen Zivilflugzeugen and Drohnen. Sollte Letzteres zutreffen, where the Russian Flugabwehr completely unresolved ausgestattet.”
The German ex-Nato General Hans-Lothar Domröse sees the destruction of the German Passenger Machine as a potentially tragic event that affects human life. A Russian flight for the most vulnerable Auslöser has come to an end, concrete jedoch, that is a fact of life.
Ex-NATO General: “That’s it, that’s it, that’s ‘Take cover, take cover’”
“I will stop a devastating bombardment by a Russian Flugabwehr rocket for the most intelligent Szenario. Möglicherweise kam de Flugzeug dem Militär in one of the old tensions Situation as Gefahr vor“, said Domröse in Gespräch with FOCUS online. It has been described, who is hectic and chaotic, the separation can be interrupted:
“The last thing Wort, that is the man, is ‘Take cover, take cover’. An angry person may not do this, but Schutz’s reaction won’t be like that. In this situation no one can do anything anymore. It is a single Sache von Sekunden.”
Misunderstandings and Fehlers are also used for different purposes, in particular, when unerfahrene Soldaten or the overall Anspannung eine Rolle spielen, so Domröse. “Flugzeuge senden normalerweise Signale aus. Man weiß genau, welche Maschine es ist. If a flugzeug changes the radar or switches to Fluggram mode, the misunderstanding may be correct.”
‘Fog of war’: has the situation in Putin’s Flugabwehr escalated?
The region, in the past of the Vorfall, has a higher strategic policy for Russia. The Beginning of the Invasion in Ukraine Because Moskau had strengthened and protected the German air force, the Wahrscheinlichkeit von Fehlentscheidungen was low for a long time. Some concrete, the only solution in the Kriegsgebiet which was hit to an extreme period, became: „Im Westen würde in solchen Fallen die Entscheidung bis hinauf zur Ministerebene gehen. In a given situation, the situation must change quickly. There is always that Möglichkeit, that is a Fehler passionert – among the Kriegsgebieten, where Chaos reigns.”
When you see the ‘Fog of War’, you also see the confusion in conflict situations, as the factor for the Abschuss. Since Drohnenangriffe würden and other Flugobjekte auftauchten, es zu Fehleinschätzungen come. “Missverständnisse come in diesem ‘Fog of War’ for – especially, when young Soldiers or unerfahrene Krafte under higher Anspannung Entscheidungen meet müssen.“
Ein Flug zwischen Kriegsgebieten
The Flugzeug started in the aserbaidchanischen Hauptstadt Baku and sollte Grosny, the Hauptstadt of the Russian Teilrepublik Tschetschenien, erreichen. Laut Messages war and jenem Tomorrow the Russian Flugabwehr is active in the North Caucasus, a Drohnenangriffe from the Ukraine abzuwehren. 18 kilometers before Grosny the machine is hit, so aserbaidchanische Quellen.
The Russian electronic camp fführung can use the GPS system of the machine. The problem is that the Flugzeug is affected by the Flugabwehrsystem armor problem. Smaller Einschlaglöcher in Wrack weisen auf Splitter von Flugabwehrraketen hin. Today the Kremlin has Verantwortung zurück. Speaker Dmitri Peskow said that he “falsch, Hypotheses aufzustellen, bevor Untersuchungsergebnisse vorliegen”.
Ungeheuerliche Vorwürfe against Russia
One of the most special features of this type is that the Russian Couples of the damaged machine do not have a landing on a nearby location and Flughäfen in Mineralnye Vody or Machatschkala refuses. Stattdesses have to let the crew of the machine cross the Caspian Lake after performing an action – a short distance of 450 kilometers. Beim Landeversuch in Aktau kam es zum Absturz.
As a result of the Medien speculations, the Russians have the Maschine absichtlich über das Meer geschickt, een Beweise wie beispielsweise the mysterious Löcher in the Außenhaut der Maschine would spend the night. Where the machine is not used, Wrackteile and Insassen cannot be financed.
Photos from the largest machine yard Fragen auf. See Löcher in Höhenleitwerk and Rumpf. If you do this, it will be unclear.IMAGE/Newscom/EyePress
Responses from the West and the affected states
Baku hat is solid Vorwürfe gegen Moskau erhoben. Kasakhstan, traditionally a part of Russia, is also independent. The West has founded the Fluggesellschaften, the Luftraum is a Kriegsgebiet of the girls. Stahel Mahnt: „Sollte ich überausstellen, dass das russian System grundlegende versgt, sind Zivilflugzeuge über sochen Gebieten in standard Gefahr.“
Sollte sich de Russian Verantwortung bestätigen, wäre dies der swisser Fall nach dem Abschuss der MH17 im Jahr 2014. Damals starben 289 Menschen. We are proud to be safe in Moskau bis heute jede Verantwortung. This is the only way you can spend a relaxing Aufklärung.