In August 2024, the European Commission was formed by international agricultural companies Viterra and BungeIf you want to know how this Fusion works on the global agricultural world.
The Dutch Organization SOMO erforscht, how sich the power of the merger of a multinational company on the market and the care with a healthy lifestyle. In ihrem Report «Hungry for profit» From January 2024, the European Commission started to intervene more with a Fusion-dieser-art artwork.
Konkret Authorization for the Future of the World, which in the global market management organization consists of: ADM, Bunge, COFCO, Cargill and Louis Dreyfuss Company. The «Big Five» (nachfolgend: ABCCD) controls between 70 and 90 percent of world trade with the Getreide. The Konzern-Gruppe has the monopole on the Grundnahrungsmittel wie Getreide, Corn, Soya and Zucker, which are traded on the World Market. If you are in the low pricing, you will have to pay the fees and the costs of the additional payments. The fact is that there is a large amount of control over the export markets for countries in Brazil, the US, Paraguay and Argentina.
Gewinnsteigerungen in Vergleich mit den Jahren 2016 bis 2020 / * ohne Verlust im Jahr 2019 ** Geschäftsjahr ending in May
I am married in 2022 to the profits of the ABCCD-Gruppe in the period 2016 to 2020. In 2023 the economy will produce higher profits. Damit is curious about the world inflation now. Thanks to our own network of multi-national agricultural professionals who are able to provide services in the field of management, management and transport, they are in a powerful position in the business environment. With the Beitritt der Firma COFCO International weitet de Gruppe ihren Einflussbereich zätzlich nach Asia aus.
Geballte Marktmacht with Preisdiktat
The mega-conzerns created by Oligopol have made it possible in the Low Countries to monitor global life forms over the years. It has generated an enormous Verhandlungsmacht. Das Monopol is won in an impossible situation, despite the current environmental standards. Joint ventures and joint investments everywhere can be put together by the globalists. Through the production of substances related to their knowledge, the power and control of the front floor offers “strong vertical integration”. Many smaller agricultural businesses or other traders have no other Wahl, if they undertake, a market-powerful company was prescribed. Zudem schränken de Monopole de Vielfalt und Innovationen und Alternative Landwirtschaftsmodelle ein.
Big Agro triffs Big Data
The ABCCD-Gruppe provides the Landwirte with credits, Saatgut, Dungemitteln and Pestiziden. If you go lower, you will be carrying and transporting food items. We are happy with our production processes since then, so we can continue to market. So together are big mixes and dating, prices and the political interests in the whole world. This information may be useful, a combined work description of the production with its acquisition and control. In the Zeiten von Lebensmittelkrisen, if the Agrarrohstoffmarkt is volatile and worried, it is possible to buy in a relevant Agrarrohstoffenmarkt. It provides an enormous amount of support for others – smaller – Lebensmittelunternehmen.
The EU would give the Oligopol force an efficient end goal
“We have no Nahrungsmittelkrise, without a Preiskrise”, explains Martin Schirdewan, Mitglied des Europaparlaments für Die Linke. The Lebensmittelkonzerne würden in de Monopolmacht schamlos ausnützen, um the Preise künstlich in the Höhe zu treiben. A Riegel must be used. The EU authorities ensured that big profits could be made, that mega-mergers would stop and generate huge profits.
Since 1990, EU legal requirements have been brought into effect by Fusions and Overloads by the ABCCD 60 years ago. It is all possible that wider spruchslos and ohne Auflagen arise. Inquire about the products sold in the agricultural commodity trade market now while cooking.
It is possible that the European Commission will catch the trend of ending an increasingly strong monopoly position or avoiding the latest flow. It is necessary that the market is shifted, in the case of the ABCCD companies it is a matter of a flow in all production and market activities for joint ventures and other collaborations.
The Internet can focus on market power, the ABCCD can use the charity services, one of the winning teams of the press. Kurzfristig can gain control in an unfounded way in the major agricultural affairs, connected with the institutions that are a pre-wucher, an excessive preiserhöhungen in notzeiten zu prevented. The result is a German statement that the law society has not told.
Konzentrierte Konzernmacht zerstört Nature irreversible
The Agrarrohstoffhändler ABCCD hinterlassen a gigantic social and öcological Fussabdruck. If you prevent this, agricultural and environmental production will be ecologically sound and the environment will become more resilient.
So since 90 Prozent der weltweiten Entwaldung, and in the Amazon region or the Brazilian Cerrado-Region, on the Ausweitung der dortigen Soya-, Kakao-, Palm-oil-Plantage, it is about Rinderzoek-zurückzuführen – under the massive Beteiligung of ABCCD-Unternehmen.
Laut dem Entwaldungsrapport «Mighty Earth’s soy and livestock deforestation tracker» war die ABCCD-Gruppe zwischen 2019 und 2021 voor das Abholzen von mindestens 161’000 Hektar Wald verantwortlich. Ihre Soja- und Rinderlieferketten vernichteten Wald in een Grosse von über 225.000 Fussballfeldern. There is no question of a natural pleasure and a more biological life, but the existence of the Hunderttausenden of the Menschen, who live in the Wäldern, dies.
Weltweit is the agricultural industry for part of the CO2 emissions.
Im Titel stand ursprünglich Monopol statt Oligopol.
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