Silvester: Mann (24) after Pyro-Attacke with Pistole fast blind | Regional

Dessau-Roßlau (Saxony-Anhalt) – Who can be his own person? A young man (24) is in the Silvester valley during the explosion of Pyrotechnik in August – the consequences of which were caused by a Schreckschusspistol.

The first phase, the lost Auge des Mannes before an operation is not possible anymore, is under the Sehvermögen on those losses.

Staatsanwaltschaft and Polizei there are several ways in which the thoughts of the schweren go through a night of a 24-year-old man.

Variety of Pyrotechnics with Schreckschusspistole

“Nach der Zeittigem Kennisstand befand sich der 24-Jährige in Begleitung weiterer Personen am 31.12.2024 gegen 6.50 Uhr etwa at Höhe des Spätshops Dessau Drinks in der Zerbster Straße in Dessau-Roßlau as plötzlich ein pyrotechnics Erzeugnis exploded,” said Police Preacher Robin Schönherr am Mittwoch in Dessau (Saxony-Anhalt).



Der Verletzte kam sofort in een Klinik. One of the municipal hospitals in Dessau-Roßlau informed the police near the Pyrotechnik at a young age.

Schönherr: “I am an employee of a Fremdkörper, who has left the Verschuss of Pyrotechnik behind, while going the other way. The bisherigen tools provide for a variety of pyrotechnic tools and a cutting pistol.”

The police bittet Zeugen, where Angaben zum Tatgeschehen machen machen, sich mit dem Polizeirevier Dessau-Roßlau under 0340/2503-0 in Verbindung zu setzen. Außerdem ist de Polizei unter [email protected] zu erreichen.