Vergessen Sie Fondue und Raclette: Hot Pot is the new Star am Silvesterabend. Entdecken Sie die Vielfalt die Asian Feuertopfs.
The traditional Silvester-oriented Fondue and Raclette can last a long time in a festive square on the holiday. Most of the offers are a new favorite for the year 2024: the Hot Pot. This Asian Feuertopf does not bring any exotic touch to the Tisch, but ensures the common Kochen and Geniuses. The Hot Pot is an all-in-one meal that you can use when cooking with hot or fresh dishes. The best thing is that, the Zubereitung and Rezept it is a fact and it is a true gender.
Asian feuertopf is trendy and the preparation is a fact
One of the large quantities of Hot Pots is the Vielfalt. Van der Brühe über die Zutaten bis hin zu den Dips kan man alles nach seinem Geschmack gestalten. A year later, the Silvester-Buffet with a delicious Hot Pot is ready, but here are a few recipes with a Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung.
Hot Pot: Asian Feuertopf selber machen
Hot Pot (Ferruertopf) with gemstones and grains © DALL-E (Montage)
Zubereitung30 minutes
Cooking/Backing10 minutes
Gesamt40 minutes
Recipe Properties
Nahrwert pP350 kcal
- Party food
- Ausgefallene Speisen
- Fleish
- revise
- Head-oriented
- German
- Asian
- Brühe:
2 Liter Gemüse-, Hühneroder Rinderbrühe
2 tbsp soy sauce
1 Piece Ingwer
2 Knoblauchzehen, Chili nach Geschmack - Zutaten zum Yarn:
400 g Rindfleisch (dünn geschnitten)
300 g Hähnchenbrust
300 g Shrimp
200 g Tofu
400 g Gemüse (z. B. Pak Choi, Brokkoli, Karotten)
200 g Pilsner (z. B. Shiitake)
300 g Glasnudeln - Dips:
Erdnuss sauce
Soy sauce
Sesame sauce
1. Schritt
Brühe in a special Hot-Pot-Gerät or a large fondue top.
2. Schritt
Ingwer and Knoblauch hinzufügen and cook for 10 minutes welding.
3. Schritt
De vorbereiteten Zutaten in Schalen anrichten en auf dem Tisch verilen.
4. Schritt
After cooking, let your guest cook and let it cook (approx. 2–3 minutes).
5. Schritt
Mit den Dips serves and genius!
More information
Einfach-Tasty-Tipp: Prepare two different Brühen for – a milder and scarcer variant. So you can feel confident that the Liebhaber van würzigen Speisen as a guest is the perfect option. For some homemade dips, you can make a batch of dips with a fruity mango chili sauce or a creamy sesame dip set.
Start a new year with Hot Pot
The Hot Pot is not yet gendered, but one of the best ways to start: if you cook in the yarn, you can find the taste of the food, if you stop doing it and have come up with a new way of working out. One of the best things you can do is to make a few different Brühen und Dips zur Verfügung. And wen man nor Inspiration for the Jahreswechsel-braucht: Einfach-Tasty Recipe for Fingerfood, with Mini-Quiches with Lachs and Spinat, vegetarian Samosas or frittier Käsebällchen, and that perfect Ergänzung.
From Fondue to Hot Pot: The Culinary Silvester Trend 2024 © image-images
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With the Hot Pot the new year can gradually start. Look if it’s heading or if there’s a problem delicious, delicious Fingerfood Recipe – this interactive position of power of Silvester is an unforgettable experience. Please try and visit our guests!
Obwohl cream cheese fondue If you eat the classic cuisine on the Silvester Table, you can give the Hot Pot a separate meal, which is in its ultimate trend-oriented machine. When using fondue, it is wonderful to eat in the center of the Hot Pot – from light and aromatic to delicious and exotic. It’s no longer Fett, but more Geschmack and Abwechslung. Of course it is a matter of doing it Raclette Variante zu Silvester niece fehlen.