Liegt der Ursprung der Shahed-136 in Germany?

In the past two years we lived in Ukrainian cities and souls with Iranian Kamikaze-Drohnen. If the Indian version is used, the waffle will be used at one of the Bundeswehr levels for 35 years.

If you’re doing a few broken engine flights, it’s a moped. The Russians have entered the Präzisionsraket chain en masse, a Ukrainian Flugabwehr is linked together. Sie stürzt sich auf Wohnhäuser, Kraftwerke und Stromanlagen. More than the second day, the Shahed-136 is a symbol for the air force of Vladimir Putin’s regime in Ukraine. uses JavaScript for some functions. Every browser or adblocker disappears temporarily.

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The Shahed-136 would describe an effective Kamikaze-Drohne from Iran. The cost is between $20,000 and $50,000 for lies, you have a production fee and specific changes. Everything is possible. Weniger is the Ursprung of Shahed-136. If it is not ausschliesslich, it may be that the high water quality in Germany is being developed.

In the eighth years of the war in the West German Representation Ministries in Bonn there was a Drohne in service, that Shahed-136 looked grim. After the German government, the Bundeswehr notification can no longer make money. It is a statement of the project. Now I have a look at two questions: Is it a new German technology in the free hand for 35 years? Und: Were damit the ukrainian cities bombardiert?

A Drohne with a Kamikaze-Flugzeug

Writing starts with a company, it is never worth more. The Luftfahrtunternehmen Dornier had the Auftrag in the eighties of the Bundeswehr, an anti-radar drone was in operation. The Absicht file is intended to place the dry radar racks on the deck and on the zerstören. If so, use a radar and a 50 kilo weight, with a Kamikaze Flugzeug in a Soul style.

Three years after the Auftragsvergabe stellte Dornier auf dem Testgelände der Bundeswehr in Meppen in Bundesland Lower Saxony 1992 two Prototypes of the DAR-Drohne (Drohne Anti-Radar) vor. The wartime became clear, but the Soul of the Luftwaffe was no longer realized. If more than 4000 kamikaze-drohnen previous images are used, more than 4000 of these kamikaze-drohnen previous images will be solved. If the Verteidigungssetat government coincides with the war, the war will run out of money for the project.

If people have a Hinweise dream, it is not a German company, nor a company that looks forward to a drying project with great interest. In 1987, Dornier began enlisting in the DAR-Drohne expedition with the Israeli sister. So Schreibt is the American Fachmann Dan Gettinger in one Study on Kamikaze-Drohnendie 2023 maybe ist. It is a fact that the German-Israeli Drohnenko operation is civilized.

Then we see the Middle Ages at the end of the eighties, both Anti-Radar-Drohnen with new visible properties from their observations of Dornier and their external Israel Aerospace Industries reforms, it is written by Gettinger. One war that is the German DAR-Drohne, the other Israeli harpy. Both are made with a Deltaflügel-Design and a Schubpropeller.

Deutsche Technology in Israeli Drohne?

To get an idea, the German-Israeli Arbeitsteilung files can be used. It has been written that the Israeli is all on the Harpy’s radar, while he is not with the Harpy, but with the DAR-Drohne he has been using. It is unclear what Israel’s other sources of their own flight from Dornier did. Get the last in the blesser. Investigate.

Dazu gives an impression of another set of bright connections. In the British military magazine «Jane’s» report from 1995 in the publication «Jane’s Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Targets», the Harpy will be included in Israel, mentioning «a spoiling of aus Deutschland erworbenen and modified basic flights with Deltaflügeln». It is worth making the harpy work with German technology.

If Gettinger and «Jane’s» targeted lies are solved, then it will be like this: the Germans and Israelis will have an identical Drohnensysteme developed for 35 years. Both were so conzipiert that they were started by the Lkw-Container, became konnts, before they could automatically program the Flugbahn after generating such radars. This technology marks the end of the eighth years of a small military revolution.

It is known that Germany and Israel are their harmful Zeitpunkt clean longer at Rüstungsprojekten koopiertenit’s a big Glocke hanging up. The processing is not possible, but it is a dream project that has been as done as it can be. Haben Deutschland and Israel at the Entwicklung der Drohne also officially joint work?

The Federal Government weighs aus

The NZZ was founded at the German Defense Ministry in Berlin, at Airbus Defense and Space as a legal successor to Dornier and at Israel Aerospace Industries nachgefragt. What Airbus Defense and Space focuses on is the “big mass information” is more than enough to reach Israel Aerospace Industries. The Verteidigungsministerium in Berlin has to deal with the fact that Germany has not adopted other states and the project.

A Regierungskooperation is also canceled. Who got into a project when the entire history of German and Israeli technology was developed and implemented in identical Drohnen verbs? If Germany and Israel no longer have official cooperation, the Regierung will be broken together with the German Components in an Israeli Waffe. Are you going to use this Genehmigung?

The NZZ fragments after all. The Antwort der Bundesregierung is inactivated. “Would be able to carry out a direct debit with a period of 30 years that lasts a period of 30 years, is a matter of a Ministry of Wirtschaftsministerium with. If the registration does not end with starting an e-mail message, then here are the Betriebs – and Geschäftsgeheimnisse of those affected who can help another person.

Plötzlich taucht die Shahed-136 op

There are other, more leistungsfähigere German and Israeli Drohnen. People can also start with the response from the Federal Government and put their money where their mouth is. If we want to see even more Iranian Drohnen, the DAR-Drohne and the Israeli Harpy no longer die in striking Weise-hneln, but also the Kamikaze-Prinzip copyists. Who can say that?

A residential house in the Ukrainian city of Odessa after a scare with a Shahed-136-Drohne, until April 2024, will make people happy.

A residential house in the Ukrainian city of Odessa after a scare with a Shahed-136-Drohne, until April 2024, will make people happy.

Libkos / Getty Images Europe

It’s possible there is a problem. Zwischen Mitte und Ende der nenziger Jahre hat Israel etwa 100 Harpy-Drohnen an China verkauft. Das Geschäft lief openbar secret ab. It would take a few years at first. My name is July 2002 reported the American Zeitung «The Washington Times»more Harpy-Drohnen might see one of the Chinese military in Fujian province. Fujian is located in Taiwan and focuses on the possibility of using domestic air freight.

The NZZ would have been erased by the German Regierung, but the Israeli deal with China was not good. Normally, a waffenhersteller, a German technical technique, makes an export of an erneute generic regulation for the Federal Government possible. But in Antwerp the direction of this Frage was not finished.

Zum Zeitpunkt des Harpy-Geschäfts with China, the Reichsweite der Drohne ranges from 150 to 500 Kilometers will be announced. Anyway Analyze the American think tanks «Jamestown Foundation» During the Israeli-Chinese military war in the summer of 2005, the US was informed about the Drohnengeschäft with China and did not make a single mistake. It is not possible to hinder this. Obwohl van de Kauflatie executed an Aufrüstung van de Chine Harpy before de US Israel 2004 in het kostenlos.

China’s Narrow Partnership with Iran

It is also clearly Indian, the Drohne of Israel nach China is dependent. Who can relate to Iran in their life?

China has long been expected to wage a military attack on Iran. So the Mullah regime is, among other things, involved in Bau von Produktionszentren for which military platforms with Marshal Flugkörper, Artillery, Gepanzerte Fahrzeuge, Marineschiffe and Raketen unterstützt haben. It’s a fact Analyze the Indian think tanks «Observer Research Foundation» about China’s Waffenlieferungen nach Iran von die September reform. It is all true that China said: “Aussprochen zurückhaltend bei der Zusammenarbeit or derm Verkauf einheimischer militärischer High-tech-Güter, insondere fortschritlicher Drohnen or der modern Kampflugzeuge”.

Since the end result is full-fledged, it is the least wasteful. In one Message from the Israeli Fachmagazines «Israel Defense» During the years of April, the Iranian Shahed raided the Harpy 136 years ago. If you have an idea, it is a “product of Swiss China and Iran”.

If it is so, then it is so that the Kreis schliessen: one of the 35 years that a German unternehmen a mitentwickelte Drohne has been sold by Israel after China, the technology that makes all Anschein nach Iran so great.

So it’s very simple to do this. Theoretically, the Drohne plan is not likely to be implemented in any other way after Iran begins.

The various protagonists have changed the Drohne over the years. Inspect these versions, add more information than 2000 kilometers. The German Drohnen expert Ulrike Franke promoted a different theme a few years ago with the German Drohnenprojekte. This is the task for the European Council on Foreign Relations in Paris. If you see that it is the German Hinweise, the German and Israeli Unternehmen at the Entwicklung der DAR- und de Harpy-Drohnen zu ammengearbeitet hätten.

“The War of Israel Aerospace Industries was involved in the DAR project, which could unite with German technology,” the NZZ said. There are many problems with the end of eating. So stay safe at the end of the day, absolute safety aber gibt es nicht. Franke said he said this way: “Dornier and the Israelis have given more power to the Drohne, China and Iran have oriented their project and adjusted the Drohne.”

In December 2021, Iran was officially named Shahed-136 vor. It has been a year since the country experienced the first years of their dreams in Russia. All in November, Wladimir Putin’s regime unleashed 2,500 Shahed-136-Drohnen in the Ukrainian city. A large part of the own version, which the Russians adapted from Shahed-136, could be one of the Russian Bezeichnung Geran-2.

As a response to the development of Radar systems for the Bundeswehr deployment, perhaps Indian technology spread, which is the technology of DAR-Drohne auch 35 Jahre später nicht in Einsatz befindet. Germany has a Solche Kamikaze-Drohne bis heute nicht in its military arsenal.