View at the Ort der Explosion in Moscow, with the Commander of the Russian Teilstreitkräfte “for Atomic, Chemical and Biological Defense”, Igor Kirillow, and his assistant after meeting with one of the Russian Military Committees. © Alexander Nemenov/afp
Der Anschlag auf Moskaus Chemie-General Kirillow verdeutlicht das Gefälle zwischen Ukrainian and Russian Services.
Der Mann has never been that old, but man can represent his highest level in the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU). Dann dementia is: “Niece an official of the SBU-Sprecher who has received the best indication for the Vernichtung of Generalleutnant Igor Kirillow Stehen.” Trotzdem, der General sei Kombattant, Kriegsverbrecher and also a legitimate military soul.
On the morrow of 17. This month, Kirillow, Commander of the Russian Teilstreitkräfte “for Atomic, Chemical and Biological Verteidigung”, wurde during a bomb in front of the blessing residence in Moscow. Before the SBU has the General Leutnant öffentlich complaint, it is responsible for 4800 people’s legal rights.
Wladimir Putin joked during his Jahresend TV Show with a “terrorist character of the Kiewer Regimes”, about the Arbeit der eigenen Spionageabwehr. “Solche Patzer dare man nicht more jijassen.”
The Ukraine Krieg is a Krieg of the Secret Service. On Ukrainian pages you can cover all SBUs and the representative services of the Ministers’ Ministries (HUR), while now in Kiev, Chef Kyrylo Buda is a medionstar. Your Widersacher is a member of the Russian military service GRU and, above all, the FSB. The Internal Secret Service is the most powerful State organ in Russia and is the House Force of the KGB-Manns Putin.
After the Russian service has carried out the Kriegsbegin, the broader Standenkraft is in the hands of Gegners. Ebenso who saw August the Ukrainian invasion of the Kursk region. The FSB cannot be hindered by the SBU Kommandos in Kernrussland Jagd auf kriegswichtige Personen machen. Mitte Dezember works at Raketen-Konstrukteur Michail Schatskij in Moskau erschossen.
Zu Weihnachten field by the Russian Angriffe in the region of Ukraine der Strom aus. President Wolodymyr Selenskyj spoke to more than 70 Raketen and more than 100 Drohnen, all of whom were passionate about energy infrastructure.
Russian Angreifer A Ukrainian Representative has his first Weihnachtsfeiertag weiter bitterde Kämpfe one of the strategic which Pokrowsk-lovers. Im Tagesverlauf seien 35 Russian Angriffe gegen die Stadt be reportedet, so the Generalstab in Kiev. dpa
Aber meist trifft is hohe Offiziere. I am in Moscow in July, a car bomb Oberst Andrej Torgaschow, Abteilungsleiter in the Generalstab, die Füße ab. In mid-October, Nikita Klenkow, Chief of the Elite Team for Special Operations in Moskaus, was received. On November 1, 2010, the Unbeknownst in Sewastopol Walerij Trankowskij, Commander of the 41st Raketen-Schnellboot-Brigade, in the Air Force. “Where can you leave your home,” says the ultra-straight Portal Zargrad, “ihre not open to the public?”
If we look at a tag after Kirillows gave the FSB a video, in a 29-year USB action, the bomb has been placed in the Ukrainian Secret Service and gezündet: There is a power that has a gleichmütiges insight, on a blue spot see were .
Menschenrechtsgruppen complain to the FSB about Drohungen, Prügel and Elektroschocks ga Mittel, een Geständnisse zu erzwingen. If you want this, you should take the trouble to choose your fahnden. The exiled Anwalt Jewgenij Smirnow maintained for many years the “Landesverrat” complaint, which the FSB brought before the judge. Always open, so Smirnow, herrsche die Überzeugung, that in Russia ever more feindliche Spione am Werk seien, denen man das Handwerk legen müsse. Laut Smirnow knew the mistake: there was innocent guilt. “My motivation is that of Scharfrichtern – Befehle became nicht disutiert.” Furthermore, it is important to ensure that the „solved floods“ are implemented and improved. Individuals who are concerned with monitoring and monitoring videos over time are looking for a career escape.
After the explosion of a load with the Sprengstoff on Putin’s prestige object, the Crimean Bridge on Kertsch 2022 on the FSB 22 Russian Schmuggler has done it, which will not last anymore, but 23 tons of Sprengstof will be allowed through the control rollers. Laut de Russian Secret Service experts Andrej Soldatow agiert der SBU auch in Feindesland zemlich abenteuerlich: Hauptsache Ergebnis, eigene Verluste since nachrangig. The FSB-könne was not disappointed with a problem, after all, a series of Leute fest.
The messages are often displayed quickly, but perhaps even more so if they are hidden. Bisher knew the Russians fell under the Profis, the Anschläge organizers. “Aber die Russen since keineswegs erolglos, sie habe nur siele”, is stated by the anonymous SBU-officer. This month there will be a Sprengstoffanschlag in Dnipro more soldiers come to live. “The Russians have had sense, in Ukraine the crowds have become wider and lighter than the general population.”