That Angelina Kirsch “The Taste” moderator said this

Angelina Kirsch (36) swims in clouds! Die The Taste-Moderatorin teilt auf Instagram a photo, on the photo displayed in the room. In the Bildmitte lasts the Betrachtern for all the funkelnde Klunker in the Augen Stechen, then Angelina am Ringfinger trägt. This is how the Schnappschuss is written: “Verliebt… verlobt… verzückt. Ich kann es noch immer nicht glauben, ich verliemen meinen Traummann heiraten.” The Curvy-Model hat is also welcome with your partner!

Unter ihrem Verlobungsbeitrag sammeln sich bereits etliche Glückwünsche. “Glückwunsch, dear Angelina! That can never top Christkind with his gifts again.”scherzt ein aufregter Fan. One more time it is clear: “Under there is a lot of trauma.” There may be comments on the post. So hinterlässt beisplayelsweise Madita van Hulsen (43) There are a number of different emojis that point out a Freude about the background.

Wer der glückliche Mann an Angelinas There’s no way this isn’t the case. Nach ihrer Trennung von ihrem Ex-partner Mario Dornbach I came back in the year 2018 at the age of 36 in the most likely way. I am Promiflash-Interview for a fun year AngelinaHere you go with your partner, please let me know: “If I can say everything, I will be very happy.” If you see this information at work, this is not clear.

Angelina Kirsch, 2023

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Image gallery button Angelina Kirsch, 2023 Angelina Kirsch, model

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Image gallery button Angelina Kirsch, model

Glaubt ihr, Angelina is bald, a few more details about your Verlobung?

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