Stromversorger donates 15,000 Abnehmer zu Weihnachten with Energy – a stipulation

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A higher Stromlieferant plant, which spends the stream in the summer, spends money. Do this marketing campaign with a different motivation.

Munich – Während sich in Deutschland gerade Unternehmen und Privathaushalte Sorgen um die hohen Strompreise, verursacht door eeneine Dunkelflaute in decembermachen, a German Stromanbieter in a different direction. Who of the Energy Provider Octopus Energy is 19. This month, sollen ihre Kunden and Kundinnen and Holyabend Strom zum Nulltarif bekommen. Nach Angaben der Firma sollen 15.000 Kunden von der Aktion profitable können.

Cost-free electricity for Christmas and Christmas: Nur with Smart Meter possible

Insgesamt hat Octopus Energy aber 600.000 Stromkunden in Deutschland. If you’re watching most of the action, it’s a bigger Baustein feeling: the Smart Meter. This is the background to Octopus Energy’s action: the external investigation into that road Aufmerksamkeit auf the fehlende Digitization of the Strommarktes in Deutschland note that you are working mechanically.

Stromversorger donates 15,000 Abnehmer zu Weihnachten with Energy – a stipulationEnergy savings gives you a warm welcome during your Christmas holiday – a healthy experience © IMAGO

“We love our knowledge and skills and our love for Weihnachten Thank you. No one is a holy person who is grateful that he or she can help the Lichterkette a little and not help more. A natural way Smart Meter can be used is when it is just set up. Deshalb will offer more than 15,000 Smart Meter experts and experts a little friendship with each other,” said Bastian Gierull, CEO at Octopus Energy Germany, about the Mitteilung. Der Strom für die Kunden met Smart Meter is completely free of charge between 6 p.m. and 10 p.m.

“If you have a German house with a smart meter, you can work with zero tariff for all machines – and that was only a few days ago. Current will be particularly favorable at times, it is an overarching energy sourcecosts or German discounts Prices offered – regardless of the fact that they are customers and customers, they will be happy,” Bastian Gierull explains further.

Electricity is more favorable with Smart Meters – Rollout early 2025

In Germany, the smart meter has never been so high – and that also applies to the European nachbarländern who donated intelligent stromzähler to its normal situation. In Denmark, Spain, Italy or France: In all states, 90 residents of the Haushalte have installed the Smart Meter. Hierzuland is only 1 Prozent.

It’s like you’re standing on the other side of the road. 2025 sollen die intelligenten Zähler verpflichting für alle Stromverbraucher ab einem Jahresverbrauch von 6000 Kilowattstunden eingebaut. All other Verbraucher and Verbraucherinnen were fitted with a smart meter on January 1, 2025. The costs for the device are deckelt, soda is a smart meter that can be used.

Dynamic Stromtarife can be essential in the Dunkelflaute

Ebenfalls mandatory from 2025: Stromanbieter müssen offers dynamic current tariffs in his skills. These functions now work in combination with a smart meter and can be used for all houses that have high power consumption (zB: Wärmepumpenbetreiber, E-Car-Besitzer, Solaranlagenbetreiber), große Ersparnisse Bringen. “With a dynamic rate you can make a profit if you do that Stromverbrauch gezielt in Zeiten mit günstigeren Peisen lays“, explanation of the Energy Unternehmen E.On in November. As it is, when the Stromzähler is in the low, the amount of work and the cost of the Stroms is minimal.

After the insight of Eon Chefs Filip Thon, this rate has been added to Zukunft. I’m an interview with dem Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland (RND) said in October: “Wir laufen auf eine Stromlücke im Year 2030 zu. A greater element of happiness will be that the energy can be used on a more flexible energy source and the current can be driven. Dadurch was just admitted. It may happen that the price is reduced. You can work best under the knowledge you can use Energiewende.“