Military legends fit on machines – with other equipment

Look. Mychajlo Drapatyj is surprised for a schachzug, because they are a solderable rettete. Now a new update is coming soon.

It is a symbolic personal separation that has affected Ukrainian President Wolodymyr Selensky: the Landstreitkräfte has received a new commander – a higher position in the Ukrainian army, who may have had to deal with all of Oleksandr Syrsky’s interests. Selenskyj It is a generation changer and the Spitze der Landstreitkräfte one. The new Kommandeur Mychajlo Drapatyj is a 42 year old commander. Schon jetzt gilded is a living legend of the Russian-Ukrainian Krieges.

Drapatyj stems from the westukrainische Kamjanez-Podilskyj and how his bisheriges Leben de Wehrdienst gewidmet. In Charkiw, Durchlief is the Military Institute for Panzertruppen. The escalation in the Donbass started when he played a role on May 9, 2014. They are involved in the actions of Ukrainian police officers. The war was waged by the Drapatyj battalion of the 72nd Brigade, which was deployed with a few Schützenpanzern zur Hilfe.

Mychailo Drapatyi

The 42-year-old Mychailo Drapatyi-widmete sein ganzes bisheeriges Leben dem Wehrdienst.
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If the soldiers are sold at the roast, Milizen das Erdgeschoss may be affected. Drapatyjs Soldiers halfen the Polizisten, from their Umzingelung zu fliehen – and the current Generalmajor fuhr dabei in the first Schützenpanzer der Kolonne. When you die Ukrainian In mid-June 2014, Mariupol started war, the Einheit an der Grenze zu Russland stationiert, a Vorstoß der weiteren prorussian Krafte tive in the Donbass zu verhindern.

Very interesting

Ukraine Krieg - North Korea

My chajlo Drapatyj has himself with mutigen Schachzügen Respekt in der Armee erarbeitet

Drapatyjs Truppe war letztlich 28 Tage lang umzingelt – but fault were not etwa own tactical Fehler, apart from that Tatsache, that’s Russian Streitkräfte started, Ukrainian Area of ​​Russia with Artillery zu beschießen. Zu dem Zeitpunkt does not dare to criticize the Ukrainian Soldiers; man fürchtete de ganz große Escalation.

Mychajlo Drapatyj führte 260 Soldiers Signal Brigade anyway Soldiers of fun others Einheiten über die Felder hinaus, die Straßen mied er. It is a war that is increasingly schachzug, for the soldiers and the general fight in the army that is as good as possible.

On February 24, 2022, Drapatyj Wieder traveled to the East of Ukraine. That’s one thing Full invasion trade, if you want to do this as clearly as possible. “It was clear that (Putin, Anm. d. Ed.) had achieved a full-fledged war, but there would be eight more years,” said one interview. In the first phase, Drapatyj led the operative group “Süden”. These can leave the city of Kherson and enter the region of the western region of the Dnipro-Flusses.

Drapatyj: “The Ukrainian Streitkräfte sollen eine Armee der Zukunft were”

Selenskyj took action in February 2024 as leader of the Generalstabs – der Chair There will be some attacks and the military military operations will take place. When the Russians have launched the largest offensive in the Grenze region in Charkiw, the war is on, as the Schlachtfeld War rages and the Russian army stops fighting.

President Wolodymyr Selenskyj will conduct the military war.

President Wolodymyr Selenskyj will conduct the military war.

“There is a team that knows us, understands what we need to be sure of and what our employee is like Kommando with new competencies, discover an Insider Quelle from the Ukrainian portal “Babel”. Before this Einsatz Drapatyj von Selenskyj was given the service of a Generalmajors-überreicht.

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Now there is more to come: At the age of 42, there is the young Kommandeur der Landstreitkräfte in der Geschichte der Ukraine. For Selensky it is a Herzensangelegenheit, the Führung des Military personnel zu rejuvenate. So Oleh Apostol, 47, der Kommandeur of the 95. Brigade, with stellvertretenden Leiter des Generalstabs, während Pawlo Palissa, Kommandeur of the 93. Brigade, in the Präsidialamt as stellvertretender Chef, a soldier with campferfahrung Selenskyj his messages, who is wirklich in der Armee zogeht and was not the Soldiers more available.

Anyone who knows about the Drapatyj and his lectures in his new life would first look with time. Der Ansatz des Commanders It is still clear: “People, technologies and transparent functions were placed at the center of brand identity. The Ukrainian Streitkrafte will become an Armee der Zukunft.”