That Legend Lives! ABBA 99 performances of the bigger ABBA hits from “Dancing Queen” to “Waterloo”. © Jonthan Gordon
Tip 21. The FORUM Advent Calendars are one of the best highlights for music fans: 3×2 tickets for the Mitreißende Konzert of ABBA 99. Enjoy unforgettable moments with the Hits of the Kultband ABBA!
Zum Jahreswechsel gives ABBA fans a special highlight: The band ABBA 99 presented the big hits of the legendary Swedish band on Samstag, 28. Dezember, at 8 p.m. in the Alten Philharmonie in Fat Cat. In an extra large line-up with a zwölfköpfigen Band you bring class with “Dancing Queen”, “Mamma Mia”, “Waterloo”, “Voulez-Vous”, “Thank You For The Music”, “The Winner Takes It All”, “ I Have A Dream” and many more Ohrwürmer on the stage.
The unbridled fascination with ABBA
Kein Zweifel: A victory at the Eurovision Song Contest is a guarantee for a long career. Do it with ABBA. For 50 years they have been enriching the musical world with their first Platz on the European Wettbewerb – and their heritage is either unique. With 400 million sales of tonträgern hehört the Swiss formation of the greatest bands of music history. And when I started an active period in 1982, it came to an end.
Trotz der Trennung bleibt der Mythos ABBA ungebrochen. Musicals, movies and a great comeback with new album and great performances in the year 2021 have become more popular by the band. Ihre Songs – time, mitreißend and fuller emotions – speak about the whole generation of fans and.
Authentic stage feeling with ABBA 99
The Coverband ABBA 99 is a great music player and the unique flair of the 1970s that makes reading fun. In an authentic show, the audience starts with the cultural outfits and the unparalleled sound that ABBA has a great hat. The zölfköpfige Besetzung is a musical instrument from the Extra Class, which is played directly in the Glanzzeit of ABBA.
Offnen Sie unser 21. Türchen!
We lost 3×2 Eintrittskarten für ABBA 99 am 28. Dezember, 20 Uhr, in der Alten Philharmonie im Fat Cat Munich. To win, fill in your einfach-unser winnspielformular aus. The code is ABBA 99 (teeth in the first Zeileen setzen). The Teilnahmeschluss is 21. Dezember, 11.59 pm. If you want to separate more parts of the road, the right road has been removed.
This is where things get sour Gewinnspielteilnahme – wir wünschen fell Glück!
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