Publishing houseDecember 21, 2024, 11:22 am
MysteriumUS-Drohnensichtungen: Was erasure wir – and was erasure wir nicht?
Since mid-November 2024, more information about mysterious developments in the US East Coast has been reported. After all, you are welcome to leave. Other days cleared.
Was it lost in the US? In the last week we went to the FBI about 5000 notifications of mutilable Drohnensichtungen ein. It started in New Jersey and later expanded. Mittlerweile went to Texas, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Massachusetts, California and Florida. Reports from Drohnensichtingen ein. It’s the state of things.
Why are those people so concerned?
Neben der grote Zahl der vermeintlichen Siichtungen soorgen auch die Orte für Aufregung: So some of the Drohnen wurden in der Nähe von militärischen Einrichtungen gesehen. Deshalb is said to have muscled the airspace of the Luftwaffenstützpunkts Wright-Patterson in Ohio on more than one occasion. In Utah, the Drohnen are seen in the Nähe des Luftwaffenstützpunkts Hill. The bet is off, so speak to Thomas Mullican at It’s the Suspect, Russia can do that.
Before the American presidents take action and stop carrying out their plans, this is not the case. Where Joe Biden and the investigation ‘cousin of the truth’, who was subservient to reporters and reporters in the Weissen Haus, noted, Donald Trump took on the platform Truth Social, which was wise to Biden-regierung, was a passion. «Aus irgendeinem Grund wollen sie die Menschen in Atem halten.» The Democrats have been made aware of the information, and it will be so easy! Sonst schiesst sie ab!».
“Shoot them” – Warum Trumps Vorschlag keine gute Idee ist
Selbstjustiz is not a good idea, so Vic Moss of the Drone Service Providers Alliance has gegenüber “Live Now”: “It is no longer a gesetzeswidrig, it is an unglaublich gefährlich.” Etwa, if someone has an unmanned Flugobjekt on a manned skiing würde. It seems that the people in the Boden are in trouble, so ETH Drohnenexpert Roland Siegwart in 20 Minutes: “Uberriebene Reaktionen are the Gefahr for the Bevölkerung in most cases.” So get to the uncontrollable part and Himmel’s fault.
This is the FBI warning. When you work with Laserpointers on extensive Drohnen zu souls: It is a requirement for an increasing number of pilots in the region, the laserpointers will be affected in August, after which you will be present in Boden fälschlicherweise for a Drohne content. It is possible to follow the following steps.
Is it worth drying everything?
If it is unclear, there may be more dry tatsächlich in the letzten Wochen unterwegs and ob es wirklich aussergewöhnlich vee were. After the US State Department in the US had one million Drohnen, the Tag etwa 8500 Drohnen had started working.
Since November, more than 5,000 Drohnensichtungen have been reported, he is in a joint position of the US Department of Internal Security (DHS), the US Air Force Agency FAA, the US Department of State and the FBI. Definitely try to make a double report. Daraus hätten sich – Stand 17. Dezember – beef 100 Hinweise ergeben. «Nach genauer Prüfung der technodaten und Hinweise besorgter Bürger gehen wir davon aus, dass die bisherigen Sichtungen eine Combination met ons legal kommerziellen Drohnen, Hobbydrohnen and Polizeidrohnen also bemantten Starrflügelflugzeugen, Hubschraubern and Sternen umfassen, die fälschlicherweise as Drohnen be reported.»
Let the FBI have the vermeintlichen Drohnen auch with Satellites in the new Umlaufbahn or Himmelskörpern wie Planeten or Sternen were wechselt. Whoever received the confused image of objects in the sky from the ex-governor of Maryland, Larry Hogan, on It is a race of the X-Community, it is a fact that the constellation Orion and the stars Sirius and Prokyon have been filmed.
Race notifications are not active and will be posted later:
Grew up with Drohnen in New Jersey – it is a photo that appeared on the internet in 2018.
The rules do not apply, but the investigation going forward is one of the latest guidelines for ministerial ministries. It is a bit of Hinweise in the «ausländische Einmischung».
Drohnen suchen nicht nach radioactive Material
Some incentives are based on the effects of radioactive materials such as these, which are lost. One of the developments now taking place on social media is the mayor of the Municipality of Belleville (New Jersey) on television, who will never appear again when writes. For example, the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission declared on 2. December that a device containing the radioactive Isotop Germanium-68 was reported lost, the Strahlungsquelle for a CT device of the Nazha Cancer Center serves. As the war is fought, James Dalzell of the Nazha Cancer Center «ABC News» best. A Gefahrer has not given the Environmental Protection Ministry of New Jersey (NJDEP) any files: the Strahlungsquelle is “very schwach” and removes “the versand by the speed of FedEx zugelassen”. The device is ready to be used, the fragmentation of radioactive materials cannot be used.
Who can make a man Drohnen wechseln?
Fly when you slam the door, acknowledge that it is light. If you fly more or more into the future, this could be a problem, so Elizabeth Warner of the University of Maryland Astronomy Observatory with the “Washington Post” (Bezahl article): “It is true that there are a large number of objects at the hand, if there are no other people, can be confused with the man.” Deshalb setzen Fachleute we etwa the FBI with special tools for visual identification. A handy or normal camera is never available, so Dirk Labudde is an expert in the field of video forensic analysis and verification of video recordings in 20 minutes.
Who then gives so few people the Handyvideos Glauben?
This is the latest version: Laut Greg Eghigian, Professor of History at the Pennsylvania State University and Author of the Book “After the Flying Saucers Came: A Global History of the UFO Phenomenon” , read Menschen ihre Aufmerksamkeit often on Ereignisse, die in bedrohlich erscheinen. “It is not possible to separate the phenomenon of ‹Doomscrolling”, but it is not possible to go away,” it says. “When you are in these ‘rabbit holes’, it gets nervous.” If you don’t want anything anymore, you can’t get along anymore.
“When we know more, it is worth reporting that the results are not so good for the best Sicherheit best.”
The US Ministry for Inner Security
The theme of vermeintliche Drohnensichtung on Social Media is not a problem. It is very likely that we will remain in the Himmel, in the Hoffnung and the Diskussion activities. Dadurch can weigh the theme more heavily, if it is. “Manche Leute sees it as his political herausfordern, says his “Washington Post” (Bezahl article). “Then it draussen in the world of the great Gruppe von Leuten, it was a vast undertaking, and it is worth buying . It is a final charge for the pleasure, zu sagen: ‹Vielleicht bin ich derjenige, der es knackt› or ‹Ich have a perspective, which does not disappoint anyone.”
Has it been a while since the Drohnenfrage was finished?
Die Behörden are more of the Meldungen nach. The FBI Newark, New Jersey State Police and other staff are seeing more during the night, “to find the answers to these cases.” The US Air Force FAA has banned Drohnen’s Einsatz at 22 infrastructure bases in New Jersey and 29 in the Federal State of New York for 30 days. Das Verbot gold plated until January 17. The anordnung of the FAA has decided that the indoor air flight is one of the unmanned aerial vehicles in the city that Luftraums no longer operates as 400 Fuss. The anordnung sees some Ausnahmen for Ersthelfer and bestimmte kommerzielle Drohnen vor. Wer sich never stopped, risky, the police festgenommen would become.
When Schritt asked an important question, the US Department of Internal Security went to “ABC News”: “Wir weiterhin davon aus, dass im Zusammenhang with the reported Drohnensichtungen keine Gefahr für die öffentliche Sicherheit besteht.”
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