Star-Koch Tim Raue: Das Besondere am Bodensee und de Menschen vor Ort

If Tim Raue in Herbst 2023 de Mal in Konstanz war and the guest of my friendly Brasserie Colette enjoyed culinary, one could enjoy a small story about the Einheimischen nicht: “I would like to know more about my wishes, because the Konstanzer were a bisschen offerer for dying Kulinarik , the Spaß power. I have always lived in Konstanz in such a way that my happiness is good, that man is not one to be entertained, but his house is always critical.” it is important that you end up in the SÜDKURIER.

Non-war is neuter in Konstanz. Most dishes from Zwei-Sterne-Koch knew they ended up in Lake Constance, it was the Kulinarik. “I regularly speak with the Mitarbeitern des Colette,” it says. “My reflection on other Konstanzer Gastronomers: This is not one thing here, Constance is not a Pflaster, both of you have a good life, that your work is good and valuable.” Rumms.

And then: “There would be a lot of discussion here about price and money. Dabei would earn money from the Schweiz trip in this city. Here it is a wonderful experience, die brummen wie die Sau.” It is one of the things that happens in the Berliner, “der seine Kohle in Sylt ausgibt and dort the large Château Lafite-Rothschild trinkt, in Berlin aber den Riesling für 28 Euro de Flasche bestelt , weil er meint, that’s what others can see and no one soll erase, who fell Money there hat“.

Sour personTim Raue, 50, has grown up in Berlin-Kreuzberg and become war after his own Aussage in the Jugendzeit Mitglied der Jugendbande 36 Boys. First time to enjoy your leisure time. Walk in your own life. Enjoy the best food in the world. The Restaurant “Tim Raue”, which visited Marie-Anne Wild führt, is no longer with Michelin Stars and funf schwarzen Hauben im Gault&Millau ausgezeichnet, has been a party on the list of “The World’s 50 Best Restaurants” since 2016 – aktuell mit Platz 30. Im TV is another in the shows „Herr Raue reis“, “Kitchen Impossible”, “The Taste” and “Der Restauranttester” see more. In the role of the kitchen, the Brasserie Colette Tim Raue is located in Munich, Konstanz and Berlin at Villa Kellermann in Potsdam.

It could be interesting


Schweizer Starköchin Meta Hiltebrand: “Wer Fleisch isst, sollte eeninmal een Tier totöten”
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Tim Raue criticized the Empfangskultur der Menschen in Konstanz: “Wir haben sehr, sehr long gebraucht, um in Konstanz anzukommen.” Also, wenn is deutliche Besserung verspüre: “In Konstanz it is extremely positive. There is an unglazed connection in the kitchen and service with By Hung Nguyen and Jasmin Weber, who do a top job. I have the small power of the Gefühl, it is so that it has become part of the city and the region. Natürlich had Vale Schweizer in Constance, who came and went. Aber man muss in der Region verwurzelt sein.”

In der Regio verwurzelt ist Jari Dochat von de Anglerstuben won the TV show “The Taste” in 2022. There is a war in Team von Tim Raue. Rückblickend said about Starkoch over the Konstanzer: „Jari was always a bisschen großmäulig and paint über sehr, sehr fell Consciously. There is a toller gastronome, weil there wirklich, wirklich von Herzen gerne bought and another glücklich zu machen. There that Schalk dies in Nacken, it was unfassbar gut steht, under there ist sehr, sehr fleißig.”

It could be interesting


Plötzlich stehen Fans in der Küche – The Taste-Gewinner Jari Dochat über sein Leben nach dem Finale
Jari Dochat bought nach wie voor in de Konstanzer Anglerstuben – trotz des Siegs bei der TV-Kochshow The Taste hat there are no others ...

Mona Hiermaier aus Konstanz goes to the TV show 2023all at Team of jury member Alex Kumptner. Über die Privatköchin, the man for the transformationsays Tim Raue: “It is 25 years relatively young. Das Kochen is secondarily Karriereschritt. If the war does not last that long, it will be a right of self-determination. The isolation, the fact that it is like this, is that it no longer works, the locking time of the moments follows. But Mona does well when she is clean and happy.”

Both Konstanzer Köche-hätten deserve it, “that’s alternativlos.” You don’t know anymore, but look at the final of the Nerven stories. They were absolutely zu Recht die Gewinner.”

It could be interesting


Two “The Taste” treats, a Christmas menu – Was Mona Hiermaier and Jari Dochat da?
Mona Hiermaier and Jari Dochat, Konstanzer Gewinner der TV-Kochsendung „The Taste“, prepare in the Restaurant Anglerstuben in ...