Caren Miosgas Weg zur TV-Moderatorin
Frühe Jahre und Ausbildung
Caren Miosga sits in office in a power center in the small town of Ilsede. Thanks to the Russian Wurzeln, used by his father, he speaks Russian. When you are in Hamburg, go study and study. Während dieser Zeit started his career on radio.
White stations:
- Work at Radio Schleswig-Holstein, Radio Hamburg and N-Joy
- Tätigkeit as a Traveler in Sankt Petersburg and Moscow
Vom Radio zum Fernsehen
1999 Wechselte Caren Miosgo to NDR, who moderated the “Kulturjournal”. The war begins with the inheritance of Fernsehkarriere. From 2003 to 2005 he moderated the Medienmagazin “Zapp”, before 2006 and 2007 the ARD-Kulturmagazin “ttt – title, theses, temperamente” übernahm.
- 1999: Einstieg at NDR
- 2003–2005: Moderator of “Zapp”
- 2006–2007: Moderatorin von “ttt – title, theses, temperament”
Legacy at the “Tagesthemen”
Am 16. July 2007 Caren Miosgas started with the “Tagesthemen”. Neben Ingo Zamperoni is said to be one of the most experienced and credible moderators in Germany. Your Arbeit Wurde 2017 with the Golden Chamber in the “Best Information” category available.
- From 2007: Moderator of “Tagesthemen”
- 2017: Golden room for “Best information”
Other Auszeichnungen:
- 2021: Grimme Prize for his journalistic work