Ukraine-Krieg im Liveticker
+++ 06:12 Pistorius warned, Putin could join NATO territory in few years +++
Foreign Minister Boris Pistorius never fought with a militarily angry Russia in NATO territory, but it is not like he will die in a few years of passion. “If the afflicted are ignored, we will adopt an unprecedented attitude, which will not become smaller, but bigger,” said the SPD police officer from the Funke Mediengruppe. Putin has complied with the Kriegswirtschaft. Russia produces more Waffen and Ammunition in the current Monaten than all the Länder der Europäische Union combined in one year. “From 2029 to 2030, Putin was able to advance to such an extent that Russia took an angry stance against NATO in the lower world.” Regardless, he has said that “in the coming years, Putin could conduct one of the other Stelle des Bundsgebiets tests, which have protected NATO’s work.”
+++ 04:11 Insider: EU will reject new sanctions package in February +++
The EU will reject a new sanctions package in Russia in February 2025. The last time they started, the Zeitung “Welt am Sonntag” reported under information about the information about the Brussels Diplomatenkreisen. It acts from the new maßnahme to 16. Sanktionspaket. Informed EU diplomats said the package sent “a clear signal to Moscow’s thinking” and “Maßnahmen gegen gengen specific Sectors der Russian Volkswirtschaft enthalten, which still will not go wrong or will not go wrong at all.”
+++ 22:23 Ukrainian General Staff: Behauptungen zur Versetzung von Luftverteidigungskräften “inkorrekt” +++
A message about the “Kyiv Independent” was followed by the Generalstab of the Ukrainian Streitkräfte Behauptungen, the personal air force of Truppenmangel in the infantry roles was vertzt, teilweise zurückgewiesen. Die Behauptungen Seien “no gloss and ink”erklärte der Generalstab der Ukrainian Streitkräfte demnach in een Facebook-Beitrag. “One of the military interests of Ukraine, a mobile fighting organization that has personal interests, is not one of wars and the involvement of high-tech waffen and military authorities.” The response takes place after the publication of a message from “Guardian”, in the capacity of the US Air Force, with high qualifications for air defense specialists – especially in the West – who were trained in infantry roles, with the air defense skills of the Ukrainian geschwächt würden.
+++ 21:39 DRK-Präsidentin complains Spendenrückgang – mobile Heizkessel in Ukraine +++
Das Deutsche Rote Kreuz (DRK) has made a huge publication in the year 2024 in the Vergleich zum Vorjahr are müssen. Bisher has earned 40 million euros, 99 million euros will have been earned in the year 2023, said DRK chairman Gerda Hasselfeldt of the “Rheinische Post”. “Wir zeichnen einen deutlichen Rückgang, der mich angesichts der humanitarianären Lage weltweit bedrückt.” This is the result of increased spending in the region and other aspects of the experience in the Turks and in the Syrian occupation. More than 60,000 people had come to live in both countries in February 2023. After the comparison of the spending year 2024, the DRK President is looking forward to a Steigerung in the year 2025, “a common human experience could be achieved.” When the years 2024 millions of euros were spent in Ukraine. “Dieser Winter will be of great help to the population of the local population, as well as the large part of the infrastructure,” says Hasselfeldt. The DRK supported the Hilfe and made a nice trip to mobile Heizkessel.
+++ 20:58 Mann in Russia weighs new espionage for the FBI at 19 years old +++
A target in Russia led a man to spy for the US Federal Police FBI until 19 years ago. The court in Orenburg before the 1993-born man in more criminal prosecutions for guilty, under other roads “Hochverrats”, who the Russian Internal Secret Service FSB am Samstag miteilte. The Ermittlungen are “the best, it is a vertrauliche with the representation of the US Federal Service”. Die Haft muss is demnach in een Penalcolony under “erschwerten Bedingungen” antreten. When the FSB war was celebrated in January 2023, “there is an Australian organization with active activities supporting the Security of Russia.” The US FBI has lost “the identity and other personal data of the Russian military”. This is “not legal”.
+++ 20:10 CIA chief in Kiev – seltenes Photo entsteht +++
Ukrainian President Wolodymyr Selenskyj is in Kiev with CIA US-Australia Secret Service chief William Burns and has also been affected. “Bill Burns has empowered Ukraine to act as CIA director,” Selensky said in the Telegram online service. Seit Beginn de Russian Angriffskriegs in February 2022 is large with burns affected together, affected by the president. Most of the encounters have resulted in secret contents for the registration in Kiev and Washington. “There is a way for the Krieges to fight and I am grateful for my Hilfe,” erklärte Selenskyj. “Normally, meetings would not be possible, and all our meetings – in Ukraine, in other European countries, in America and in other countries around the world – will have some kind of official information statt.” Selenskyj released a photo, while Burns shot his hand.
(Photo: picture alliance/dpa/Ukrainian Presidential Press Service)
+++ 19:16 Selenskyj dries Luftangriffe on Russian territory and +++
Ukrainian President Wolodymyr Selensky, as a representative of the Russian air force, has again carried out attacks on military facilities in Russia. “We will have a war with Russian military souls with Drohnen and rockets,” he said in the video statement in Kiev. It is more and more self-production of Waffen in Ukraine. There is “embarrassment that the military base, the Russian military infrastructure, the terror is being consumed by the people.”
+++ 18:47 Andrij Melnyk comes to the new Aufgabe +++
The frühere Ukrainian Botschafter in Deutschland, Andrij Melnyk, could meet his country at the Vereinten Nationen in New York. “I am very grateful to President Wolodymyr Selenskyj and Minister of State Andrij Sybiha for the great progress,” says Melnyk from Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland (RND). “The UN has played a rigid role, there has been a Russian aggression crisis and a dish has been prepared for the Ukraine, including the Security Guarantee for prosperity. An animal that was made popular in New York – See and See with our German Friends and Verbündeten – unermüdlich work.” Nach seiner Zeit als Botschafter in Deutschland wechselte Melnyk in October 2022 after Kiew, wed there Vize-Außenminister wurde. In June 2023 there was a Botschafter der Ukraine in Brazil.
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