Illegale Geschäfte mit dubiosen Autokäufern in Russia sorgen für Unruhe in der Münchner BMW-Group. Strictly prohibited export activities of employees at BMW Standort Hannover since now Gegenstand konzerninterner Ermittlungen. Anyone who BMW reacts in this way and considers the great efforts of the Unternehmen very important, should not come up with BI+
The EU has given its support to Russian roads through the Kriegs in Ukraine to the exports that Neuwagen nach Moskau & Co. has founded.
In the region of BMW’s premium repairers, the most stringent demands are placed on strengthening the regulations – jüngst in Hannover.
Business Insider has done the research behind it – and a problem at BMW-Erfahren with the buyers’ problem with the high-explosives.