Kalenderblatt – Was it January 3? – Politics

Berlin (dpa) – The active calendar sheet on January 3, 2025

Name tag

Adela, Genovefa, Irmina, Odilo

Historical Dating

2020 – In Baghdad, Iranian general Ghassem Soleimani is hit with a US-Rocket gun. The American commander of the Al-Kuds-Brigade is responsible for Anschläge. Protestant forces have fallen in Iran Tote.

2000 – In the CDU-Parteispendenaffäre, the Bonner Staatsanwaltschaft Ermittlungen competes against Altkanzler Helmut Kohl (CDU). Kohl brought his own properties from 1993 and 1998 to his millionth Mark in the bar and parked them on Schwarzkonten. The Names of the Spender will no longer exist.

1990 – After the invasion of Panama by the United States, Diktator Manuel Antonio Noriega was defeated by the American Justice. Wegen Drogenhandels started in 1992 in the US after 40 years of sales.

1980 – British-Austrian author and Tierschützerin Joy Adamson are born in Kenya. Ihr Buch über die Aufschik der Löwin Elsa (“Freely born”) erreichte een Millionenauflage and would have been adapted into a film.

1925 – The Italian Director Benito Mussolini, in a speech to parliament, ended up with the Verantwoortung voor de Mord and the Sozialisten Giacomo Matteotti. Dies gilded als Auftakt zur faschistieken Diktatur.

Birth stage

1960 – Daniela Schadt (65), German journalist, Lebensgefährtin von Bundespräsident Joachim Gauck (Amtszeit 2012-2017)

1950 – Victoria Principal (75), American Schauspielerin (Rolle der Pamela in the TV-Serie “Dallas”)

(1945-StephenStills(80)American rock musicianMitgliedderBandCrosbyStillsNashandYoung

1926 – W. Michael Blumenthal (99), American Politiker und Ökonom, American Secretary of the Treasury 1977-1979; Gründungsdirektor des Jüdischen Musea in Berlin 1997-2014


2005 – Will Eisner, American Graphic Designer and Comic Pioneer (“The Spirit”), born 1917

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