I am a land reborn Alte Kino in Ebersberg with the “Mehrwertkneipe” a heritage: Music, atmosphere, living flair, living and a cultural highlight. A new format – Kneipen Quiz, Stand-up Comedy Night and a “Swinging Sunday” – has now been added to the winter programme. Everything in general is such a mix of hereditary mixes and cultures, which in the dunklen monology can cause an antidepressant. Kabarett’s Vielfalt-reicht as music is a pre-premiere and a premiere. When you start last time, the program weight will change over time.
In the first place Ebersberger stand-up comedy eveninga rasanten Mixed Show, put together by talented Comedians. Diesen Erfolg has a moderator in Violetta Ditterich in the Freitag, February 7 and in Samstag, 22, März, wiederholen. Auch ihr Kneipen-Quiz and fall Liebhaber. This lasts on Donnerstag, February 6 and on Donnerstag, March 20. There are prizes, clearings or treasures during free entry into the Alten world. After a good choice for the Lindy-Hop-Schnuppertag from January 5, a nice Sonntagen in Swing-Tanzkurs started. Jewels in the Anschluss lesson of the other Chinese music are free with “Social Dance”. Let’s have a drink, enjoy some fresh drinks, drink some good music and hear it.

Auch sonst gibt’s fell Neues: Alphonse feel a three Days Vorpremiere in Alten Kino. Der Geschichtenerzähler und Puschel-Philosoph testet von Donnerstag bis Samstag, 16. bis 18. Januar, sein new Programm. It’s a premiere “Ludwig II. – The Bavarian Patient”. From the Stück from our own Feder lädt der Grafinger Künstler Sebastian Schlagenhaufer with pianist Ramon Bessel in the Samstag, January 25, in Alte Kino.
Ebenfall’s new one in Ebersberg is the “Brettltour” by Michael Altinger. During the year, the “Schlachthof” moderator in Wasserburg and Mühldorf prominent colleges. Am Mittwoch, 12. März, retired with Tobias Mann, Karsten Kaie and Nektarios Vlachopoulos in the Alten Speicher. First guest of the Upper Palatinate Musikkabarettist Helmut A. Binser in the district: With a lot of music, a black hut and the program “Ha?” steht is am Freitag, 7. März, on the Bühne im Alten Speicher. The acoustic trio Prepared brings am Freitag, March 14, zum first Mal seinen analogues Techno ins Alte Kino.

Other examples are Josef Brustmann, Benny Schäfer and Sebastian Horn. If „Supergroup der Bayerischen Volksliedmacherei“ is under the title „Isara rapidus“ in the Freitag, April 11, first time in Ebersberg Bayerische Volkslieder vor. Andere vertraute Gesichter aus der Kleinkunstszene brings a new program. The Berliner Tourguide and comedian Stefan Danziger, with a skurrilen Blick on the Geschichte das Scharfrichterbeil, start with “Mittel en Wege” in the winter period in the Alten Kino on Friday, January 3.
BloZingeralso Robert Blöchl and Roland Penzinger, bring them on Friday, January 10, with a large portion of beautiful figures on the stage: “Das Ziel ist im Weg”. Schauspieler, Kabarettist und Musiker Stephan Zinner liest am Donnerstag, 30. Januar, aus dem “Prachtexemplar”: Kurzgeschichten von kleine Siegen en fulminanten Alltagspleiten zwischen Bühne, Baumarkt und Familientisch.

In the political satire, Mathias Tretter is sent to the Elite, on Saturday February 8, there is “Souverän” in the other Chinese world. Come and stay with the living room concert of the Chiemgauer Gypsy Band Django 3000 ben Donnerstag, February 20, aus: “Unplugged” gibt’s Anecdoten und Rhythmus. With brand new songs and songs you can see the best Freestyle-Laune coming from the kölsche Helge Schneider Quixote am Donnerstag, 6. März, ins Alte Kino.
“Bavaria first”: Der Starnberger parodist Wolfgang Krebs brings am Samstag, 15. März, the Politprominenz with a perfection in the Alten Speicher, the Zuschauer and the Wahrnehmung zweifeln las wird. The Duo laughs in a “Bällebad forever”. Such potential am Samstag, 29. March ein. The Pudelmützen Duo was created with anarchic humor Pig & Eichhorn am Freitag, April 4, in Alten Kino der Welt. A bizarre expedition in the Berlin Kreativmilieu der Wendejahre entführen Ulaan & Bator ihr Publikum dort am Donnerstag, April 10.
Tickets are no longer available www.kultur-in-ebersberg.deby telephone at (08092) 255 92 05 or by person in the Vorverkaufsstelle im Foyer des Alten Speichers erhältlich. These are geöffnet-montags tot donnerstags jeweils from 10 to 13 Uhr – tot eenschließlich 23. Dezember and dann wieder ab Dienstag, 7. Januar.