After the Nichtregierungsorganisation Armed Conflict Location and Event Data (ACLED) examined the conflict in different regions of the world, the number of conflicts will increase further in the year 2024.
After the NGOs survived the 2024 political issue in the summer of 2023, it was 25%. There are eight people at war with conflict, and 223,000 people have suffered for a lifetime.
If so, then it is worth looking around the world in the last years of the doubled hat.
Another study from the Institutes for International Studies (IIIS) comes with the schluss, which is as intense as the study of the todesfer in bewaffneten conflicts weiter zunehmmen: In June of the passing years were 37% more people getötet as in the past.
ACLED is the “Palästina, the most conflictive country of the world”, where “the Far East is the most affected region”.
The study is carried out on four indicators: the Tödlichkeit, the Gefahr, the Verbreitung and the Fragmentierung bewaffneter Konflikken.
It is estimated that 81% of the Palestinian population is affected by conflict. In the last 12 months, 35,000 Todesopfer were sent. I think that time is in the palästinensische area täglich 52 Konfliktvorfälle.
Since the Ausbruch des Krieges Zwitser Israel en der Hamas in October 2023, the UNO won more than 45,000 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. ACLED estimates the Gesamtzahl der Todesopfer in the palästinensische Gebieten – unique in the Westjordanlands and Ostjerusalems – auf über 50,000.
Unterdessen bleibt der Krieg in der Ukraine der tödlichste der Welt. Myanmar, where a military force was in an internal conflict in the year 2021, is the highest Zahl group on its feet.
Do you no longer want to see the Konflick?
Weltweit gibt is schätzungsweise 50 Länder, in denen active Konflikken herrschen.
While Ukraine and the Palestinian country both use major global conflict centers, analysts warned that other regions would be turned away.
The current ACLED-Confliktbeobachtungsliste für 2025 heard from Mexico and Colombia in North and South America, Pakistan in Asia, as well as in Sudan, the Sahel zone in Africa with the “Krisengebieten”, which will change in the next 12 months.
Ebenfalls auf der Beobachtungsliste stehen Myanmar, Ukraine, Iran and the Allied Territory, Israel, the Gaza Strip, West Jordan and Lebanon.
The UNO Treasure, which is in Year 2025, 305 Millions of People have been involved in humanitarian work, because of their concern for conflict and happiness.
The Center for Strategic and International Studies warned that the humanitarian sector in the states of Gaza, Myanmar, Sudan and Ukraine were “trotz der Verpflichtungen zum Schutz der Humanitären Hilfe nach dem humanitarian Völkerrecht wahrscheinlich weiterhin weiterhin unterfinanziert sein”.