Attentäter hatte Fernzünder für Sprengsätze im Wagon

The attention of New Orleans has given US President Joe Biden a fernzünder for Sprengsätze in his Fahrzeug-gehabt. Biden said in the Donnerstag (Ortszeit), the FBI has received information, that all cases have been resolved. There are many people, the few Stunden vor der Terrortat Sprengsätze in Kühltruhen and others Orten im French Quarter platziert habe.

Confident that the urban war in Mann in the Neujahrsmorgen with his pick-up truck will last for a long time. 14 Menschen kamen ums Leben. Der Angreifer starb bei a Schusswechsel met Polizisten.

The FBI is monitoring the Las Vegas explosion

US Secretary of Defense Alejandro Mayor warned that he would attract attention in New Orleans and that the explosion of an electric car in Las Vegas could be one of the consequences for both of them seeing each other. New Orleans’ attention has landed in the U.S. Army and could later be picked up as a reservist. The soldier in Las Vegas was killed, that is the person, the exploding car burned, and one or more – nor active – soldiers acted. Another parallel: Both vehicles involved were replaced by diesel engines.

“There is no way that there could be an agreement between the two of them,” Mayorkas said in a CNN interview about the parallel issues. “I think, we don’t know or enjoy it.”

FBI ermittler has ensured that the Federal Police organization has taken the time to monitor the attack and the explosion of Tesla Cybertrucks. If the concrete dies, it is certain that it will happen again, but it is not possible to make a decision about the food bank.