Starker Jahresstart erwartet nach jüngster Flaute

NEW YORK (dpa-AFX) – For the US Aktienmarktzeichnet, the Donnerstag is a flawless start into the new year. The broker IG values ​​the Leitindex Dow Jones Industrial at a price of Handelsbeginn 0.6 Prozent im Plus at 42,799 Punkte and the technology-challenged Nasdaq 100 0.9 Prozent higher at 21,200 Punkte.

Starker Jahresstart erwartet nach jüngster Flaute

2024 could ensure that all players and the Tech-Börse Nasdaq received a new German stock price. Since December, the Indians in New York have an insight into the young people who live there and are young. But for the new year, market experts are investigating more rising American rates and new best markets – thanks to the two American themes of intelligent intelligence (AI) and the “America First” policy of US President Donald Trump.

The high expectations of the technology sector are the high capital returns and the barmittel value it deserves, said Charles-Henry Monchau, Chief Investment Officer at Banque Syz & Co., in an interview with “Bloomberg TV”. Since other experts only received the new generation of “Glorreichen Sieben” from the technology sector from Apple and the AI ​​überflieger Nvidia in 2025, they become a waiter on the knitting market.

The Donnerstag will be the first American expression of support on the agenda of the new years. Before the start of the labor process, the necessary efforts for labor relief were made easier. After the trade started following an individual manager, who made the investments in the industrial sector, so that the data of the construction investments and the best Rohöllagers can be taken over.

After the emails appear, Apple Title Tips can make the market more attractive. The Technologyries will send messages about a more successful promotion in China for more new iPhone models. Apple enters the most important Chinese market with the hearts supported by the legal representation of the Huawei platform, the first price offered on the premium smartphone segment.

Practical information about the trading that started in New York with the Aktien of General Dynamics and Lockheed Martin. Both go to the rest room, the China with the automatic functions is invested. After the trade ministries have become so happy with Gütern’s love, it is true that it is also a military commitment. Beijing started the maßnahme with the national interests of Schutz and Sicherheit representing the international fulfillment of the world. The Export Beschränkungen have instructed 28 American companies.

Dagegen signals the vorborsliche Kursplus of 1.5 Prozent at Tesla immerses a Stabilization of the young Rücksetzer vom Rekordhoch. The electric car manufacturer can no longer wait until the Donnerstag Absatzzahlen can be used. Tesla has an annual forecast of 1.81 million Auslieferungen. Analysts examine all information about writing with little. Bereits am Mittwoch hatten Chinese Autobauer – all from BYD – Absatzsteigerungen for the December and the Year 2024 can be used. Let BYD know that it has a larger share in a higher price and better performance compared to the well-known electric car manufacturer Tesla./gl/mis