In a communiqué dated December 31, Mauritania and Senegal announced the official overture of the Prime Minister to the Grand Tortue Ahmeyim (GTA) project. The champion gazier situated 115 kilometers from the coast of Mauritano-senégalaises is a découvert in 2015 and the decisive final of the investment prize in 2018. After the initialization of the production gazière in 2022, it is a repoussée à plusieurs reprises. This premiere extraction brand has produced an important tape.
Publication: 01/01/2025 – 20:11
2 minutes
« Les ministères charges de l’Energie en Mauritania and ouch SenegalPetrosen and the Société mauritanienne des hydrocarbures (deux entreprises publiques sénégalaise et mauritanienne, NDLR) announced with the official overture to the premiere of GTA », this communiqué.
« The franchise of this company is important for a major brand in the GTA project and consolidating the existing example of a partner in Mauritania and Senegal, destined for you as a key player in the energetic regional industry », poursuit ce communiqué commun.
« Nous sommes en phase test » for the start of production of the GTA gas project, an award from January 1 on the AFP, a person involved in the management of the sector.
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2.5 million tons of gas per year
The Grand Tortue Ahmeyim (GTA) project, on the border with Mauritania, was developed by the British BP with the American Kosmos Energy, the Mauritanian Company of Hydrocarbures (SMH) and Petrosen. Billions of dollars are being invested additionally in Grand Tortue Ahmeyim for additional than a first temporary environment 2.5 million tons of natural liquefied gas for one.
Elle « Our path to the launch of the commercialization of gas », « a historical tape » the requirements of the energy minister. A tape in the production gazière about which a plusieur reported. The GTA project is a real regression. Cause: the Covid-19 pandemic which extends the duration of the construction of the production and storage unit flotante. This dernière finally arrived at the port of the main part.
The two companies involved in the great economic project of the economy depend on the income from the explosion of realized investments by the petroleum companies. The communiqué does not have to mention the checks carried out by the two states, but it can provide a conclusion on some assessment of these matters.
In view of the suites on offer, the authorities announce the commercialization of gas without a precise date.
It’s a bit tooSenegal-Mauritania: gas production unit in large des côtes