So it was that Tomas Herrnberger no longer had his mental life for 15 years: a mental life 60 Kilogramm schwere Ziegelpresse, mounted in a private home in Nymphenburg. There is no Backstein who owned another woman with my mysteries 26 years ago, like Heroin-Briketts. The Stellvertretenden Leiter des Kommissariats 83 en signal Mitarbeitern ist kurz vor Weihnachten a Battle against the Drogenhandel Munich gelungen.
Woher der Stoff – mindestens fünf Kilogramm Heroin, veldleicht auch noch mehr – kommt, ist offensive. Not therefore the Recognition of both inhaftierten Tatverdächtigen. The women who live in Munich are more likely to be able to live in Munich since 19 years ago, but have had a great time living in Germany.
Albanian Ties were like Zweig der sogenanten Westbalkan-Mafia in the year when most of the time is played in Drogen-Schmuggel in Germany, it is true that it is special. Frühere Prozesse said, that’s the Gruppierungen my strength hierarchically organized sin. You cannot stop the Münchner Ermittler in the Donnerstag. Man became more ermitteln.
The experts of the Kriminalpolizei were observed in the 19th century for four months. A war was waged with the police inspection in the past, the remarkable purchases and a home in their common power. In the 19th century, Albaner would launch an attack if he were a different person.
In the dense Mann style, the Ermittler stops while später in a house in the city Moosach beobacheaten. They live in a living room with their own living quarters. The Ermittler was delivered on 16 December zu.
In the Living in der Au Stießen at the age of 26, the dort aber gar nicht reportedet ist. You have a home in Nymphenburg. Discover the Ermittler’s Drogenpresse. The 19-year anniversary took place in Moosach. In the three living rooms, five kilograms of heroin were packed, so that the portion of the briquettes was pressed, and the portion was packaged for sale in Plomben. We continue with a kilogram of a suspicious substanz that was not carried out at first nor in the analysis of the working conditions of the landdeskriminalamts.
Sollte auch dieser substance itself as heroin, came with a purchase of the Rauschgifts of up to 800,000 Euro on the Drogenmarkt thusammen, rechneten the Ermittler am Donnerstag vor. Funding in the home can yield an amount of 10,000 euros and other commercial products. The name of the illegal trade comes from the police. The Drogengeschäfte would not have disappeared into one of the three Wohnungen, but outside the security grounds of the House.
Since 19 years, the German Police has had a bislang “gänzlich unbeschriebenes Blatt”. If the drug for the heroin is fungierte, it is offensive. Very flexible work in the hotel and guest house. Both are located in Untersuchungshaft.