Everything revolves around shows and parties during sporting events

“We are great in the Time Plan and enjoy our Mega-Spectacle,” says Patrick Riepl, one of the three Köpfe behind the Big-Air-Event, on 4 and 5 January in the Klagenfurter Wörthersee Stadium on the stage. . Bisher wurden laut Veranstalter knapp 16,000 Tickets sold. Neben der Hauptveranstaltung – dem Free Ski- und Snowboard-Weltcup, aber auch large Shows, Parties and prominently organized meetings for visitors.

Permit for spreading the loan is so that you can start them, there is a good Riepl. It is best to buy tickets online, directly on the homepage of the Veranstaltung www.bigairklagenfurt.atCertainly.

The Ablauf der both Tage soll jeweils gleich aussehen, erklärt Riepl. After the jewelery “we had a wonderful party with top acts, we won Culcha Candela, Bonez MC, Finch and Gabry Ponte.” Now if there is some kind of game and the sports part comes out of the closet, you may not be able to order a separate card. The e-registration card for the jewelry sporting event is entitled to the success of the announced party. Ben Samstag started with Konzert with Finch and Gabry Ponte at 7 p.m., Ben Sonntag will perform Bonez MC and Culcha Candela from 8 p.m.

ÖBB works with additional connections

Park spaces are located in the neighborhood around the stadium for renovation. With additional transportation costs, you will need to travel to the ÖBB-Haltestelle Klagenfurt West. Make sure that the connections are as good as possible, the balanced Zugfahrplan finds a man on the Facebook page of “Big Air”. Allerdings man von Klagenfurt West bis zum Stadion a Fußmarsch von etwa een Halben Stunde ainberechnen or weitere Busse or der Taxis utilities.

When the temperature is lower, the woman in the stadium: Hot dishes are served – no lemonade, beer and snacks – from Carinthian active catering on the Verteilerebene boats. In the Bundesliga pielen of Austria Klagenfurt there is a miss among the fans, while the free movement in the distance is no longer war, and the Western site now no longer provides fans with tickets for their first offenses. The game is not played during the Big Air Event, but it is clear: “Everything can move freely in the distance. The Main Tribunal is in the Nordic region.”