The National Investigation Agency (NIA) carried out raids at three locations in Jharkhand’s Chatra district on Monday (December 30), as part of the ongoing investigation into a conspiracy case involving the Tritiya Sammelan Prastuti Committee (TSPC), a splinter group of the banned CPI (Maoist).
The searches focused on properties associated with suspects and overhead employees (OGWs) associated with senior executives of TSPC. According to an official statement, the NIA seized several mobile phones, SIM cards and other incriminating material during the operation.
The case, originally registered by the Tandwa police in January 2016, relates to extortion, fee collection and money laundering activities allegedly carried out by TSPC members.
The NIA took over the investigation in February 2018 and has since filed charges against 21 suspects.
Monday’s action follows a similar operation carried out last Friday in which the NIA searched multiple locations in Jharkhand’s Giridih district in connection with a CPI (Maoist) case.
The NIA’s investigation is aimed at dismantling the financial and logistical networks of banned Maoist organizations and their splinter groups.
Officials have stated that investigations into the TSPC case are ongoing, with further arrests and recoveries expected as part of efforts to curb insurgency-related activities in the region.