The smartphone is a think bar with peace of mind, a photographic festival. But of the old saying “the best camera is the one, the man dabei hat” gilded also Silvester and to hell with Feuerwerk photography. You can declare the images important with a few tricks. Here are also great tips for beautiful photos when photographing work with your smartphone.
Tip 1: The right room app for your smartphone
Viele Hersteller von Smartphones love beeindruckende Kamera-Software mit. Beim Photography by Silvester-Feuerwerk is a bitter note. The machines are in most cases cases of overload and removal of the hand. If all goes well, you can get the job done by using the native app with a manual mode. If so, it may disappear quickly. If it doesn’t work, it’s a click in the PlayStore or there Apple App Store ratsam. You can also use free apps that use a manual mode on your smartphone.
Tip 2: Der Standort bij Feuerwerkfotografie
Most of the smartphone and the feuerwerk is essential. Be that as it may, a large SLR room or a mirrorless system room with wechse lenses can be a man without a feuerwerk or an automatic zoom. Optical zooms are the Trumpf of specialists here. It’s a smartphone that doesn’t work. The best cameras on the smartphone market can now have better quality at Dunkelheit in Zoom. Dadurch is a man who is flexible. Deshalb is the standard for photography and work with the smartphone separated. You can also see that an ensemble and a rockets, sternvores and arcs of light will occur, or that the Ausschnitte-reichs and the other will no longer work.
Tip 3: Long exposure times, low ISO values, manual focus
The manual settings are intended for feuerwerk photography. Grundlegendes fell Professionals here with a longer exposure time, if you are used to Tagesfotografie. The fact that the Gründe is twice as large: You may not stop with a longer assessment of the ISO value, was the Rauschverhalten zugutekommt. Other workpieces require longer (between 0.5 and 10 seconds) exposure time. When you’re on the Lightspuren, die so much and so Dynamics comes into the picture.
The autofocus can be slightly switched off. As a rule, an exploding rocket does not set fire. If you are aware of the atmosphere you see, most of the time in Dunkeln there will be a lot of noise and no major production will take place. Deshalb gilded: Autofokus aus, manueller Fokus an. Establish the fire at the first explosion in the Ebene, in der diese lies. Then you may have discovered the exposure period and ISO value and it is certainly true that the amount of money that will be increased.
We wear wool with a long exposure time. Damit will happily ever after Tipp an. If you no longer use a smartphone, this may not be a problem. Obviously this is useful for stabilizing sparrows. The Koningsweg is a step-by-step setting with a Handyhalter. Solche constructions ensure maximum stability. If the wind can fall, it may be a weight load, but the inflow is kept as small as possible.
There is no lust that has a statute in the calm Silvesternacht, but he will do other things. Ablageflächen with Mauern, Geländer or auch Tische and Stühle offer a good alternative to a tripod. If you use a straßenschild, it can stabilize. Drückt dabei the Smartphone seitlich and the Bein of Schildes and bring the Ruhe into the Chamber.
Extra tip: Gimbals are alternate alternatives to static stabilizers. With smart motors you can use the intelligent motor of the sitting or goose movement. There may be electronic devices that use a small battery, but the crazy tips appear on the display. Another Vorteil von Gimbals is that it is not worth taking photos or making smooth video recordings. Damit shoots man with a single Gimbal and flies with one blow.
Tip 5: View photos and energy for smartphones
When photographing a feuerwerk, a man often spends part of the time shooting an image. Schnell is the motive and the man has no way to respond in any way. Deshalb does not mention Patience and Besonnenheit here, son of Geschwindigkeit as ausschlaggebend. There are also a few photos that appear on the show, if you take photos of the show, that are pretty first-rate.
The Ganze costs a little energy and his smartphone during the Silvesternacht, nor for other things. Deshalb works as follows Power bank for the time after which the work is ready. Smartphones watch after 20 minutes of charging, there is more energy for the rest of the night. A compact power bank is also the energy source that delivers the smartphone to the heart of the work.
Extra tip: Augen auf en Handige weg
Feuerwerk’s work is a real spectacle of images and makes it possible to go to the house of the wall. Often, professional photographers and other eager cutters are used to carry out much of the work in the German city. If the Feuerwerk in Erinnerung will also be rufen, photographers may be served. People can find themselves live in the time of the work and see a representation of the depth and spectacle. Then you might have had a little more trouble, and that could happen during Silvesternacht.
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