Longer Akkkulaufzeit: This is how you optimize your Galaxy smartphone

The battery of more modern smartphones, as a rule, lasts a few years now, but its power is becoming increasingly popular. When you jump right into the question, it’s often not even a matter of time, but it’s often been a year since you had a great learning experience.

One of the advantages here is the combination of lithium-ion technology, which is most useful with einsatz. This Akkus has started a Ladezyklen, which often lies in 2000. A chest of drawers can produce a full-fledged result with a best value of 100 Prozent. After the year 2000 the battery was drained.

With the maximum capacity to achieve this, everything can be done in modern Samsung smartphones ab Android-12 another function is activated. Dadurch lädt Ihr Handy is no more than 100 Prozent, im Gegenzug erhöhen Sie aber longfristig de Lebenszeit des Akkus.