Munich – 41 years after the right-wing extremist Anschlag der “Gruppe Ludwig” had erected a stele for Erinnerung and Opfer in Munich’s Landeshauptstadt. On January 7, 1984, the Liverpool Diskothek fire attack on January 7, 1984, right-wing extremists began to seduce a young gardener into the most recent attempts.
January 7, 1984: Brandanschlag in Munich was long overdue
Corinna Tartarotti started on April 27, 1984. In the period from 1977 to 1984, the “Gruppe Ludwig” was founded with 15 people and many more, most of them in Northern Italy.
Right-wing extremismus from and to: 40 years after analysis on Diskothek
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The Brandanschlag in Munich war has been a long time in memory, as social organizations and own initiatives in research and memory.
Forscher: Justiz und Politik “auf dem Rechts Auge blind”
If the history of the history of Munich’s history concerns a war in Germany, they both die in their younger years – 1959 and 1960 – in their highest brutal fits of rage. “Das ist kein deutscher Fall, das is een italienischer Fall in Ausland”, he is a Massimiliano Livi of the Universität Trier of the Deutschen Presse-Agentur zum 40. Jahrestag erläutert.
After the Anschlag in Munich: Since the celebration of the Oktoberfest
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It is after the assessment of experts about the fact that the justice and politics at the Oktoberfestattentat continued their rights for three years – they were so blind that they brought a nightclub in the Bahnhofsnähe to the attention of the first time with the Rotlicht- Kriminalität in Zusammenhang brought wurde. If the money is bigger, this is a problem.

© Erk Wirginings/dpa
Because this was so, for a long time there were “on the rights of the blind”. (Archive image)
von Erk Wirginings/dpa
Zum 41. Jahrestag nun wird am historicen Tatort in der Schillerstraße 11a the Memorial Stele is focused. On January 7, the formation of the form of the day came to an end when Abend received a political motivation to meet women and active researchers of the “Gruppe Ludwig”.