Glenn Hughes of ex-band Deep Purple is mad

In a personal “Q&A” event in Sidney, Glenn Hughes focuses first on the Abend, as Deep purple The Zeremonie appears in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in 31st place. Even if an old painter does not do his work, it is “dammt unangenehm”.

Hughes war from 1973 to 1976 in the band as bassist and singer on the lead singers page David Coverdale tätig. The duo will now be inducted into the band’s Zeremonie Hall of Fame. Together with active band members Ian Gillan, Roger Glover and Ian Paice, Coverdale and Hughes take the lead around the world. If you appreciate the Glückwünsche and Herzlicher Worte Hughes from the active band member now the calm Schulter, who gives praise in the Q&A.

‘Is gab kein ‘Wie geht es dir heute Abend?’ Nothing at all,” Hughes paints the story of the band, “There is no family atmosphere, no entertainment, no business, no ‘wie geht’s dir, Kumpel?’ Nothing at all. Und es war verdammt unangenehm.”

Ian Gillan wehrt Hughes’ Umarmung ab

The Spitze des Eisbergs looked like a Zwischenfall with Ian Gillanthe main leaders of the band, we have seen each other. This wollte Hughes nach der Zeremonie hát a herzlichen gratis remuneration, but we will the Umarmung with a postponed Hand ab. “There won’t be anything, that’s how I come to it,” says Hughes about the Vorfall. “It didn’t give me any knowing power. Es hat aber meine Gefühle wirklich verletzt. What happened? Ich weiss es nicht.”

Before you start, the band’s bassists have never loosened up. Hughes said: “Mir since we were born, we always passed the same thing. If the war doesn’t lead to the best Guy, there’s a war going on. If there was a family like that, I would be grateful and get a free Auszeichnung… There is nothing that is not erased, but it is still not possible to erase. That was wirklich unhöflich.”

Nur few Mitglieder von Deep Purple dare to teilnehmen

Neben Hughes’ Auffassung des Abends would not overestimate the feierliche Aufnahme nor by other controversies. One of the major points of criticism: Not all of the former members of the band were finished and the events were taken into account. Gillan meinte dazu gegenüber “Blabbermouth”, dat is een “harte Entscheidung” gewesen sei, das preisverleihung verlange, dass die Aufgenommenen bei der Veranstaltung auftreten.

Among other things, Ritchie Blackmore, the best guitarist and mainstay of the band, at Zeremonie is no longer available. In a post on Facebook, the age of 79 was reached, while he was the band’s manager, Bruce Payne, of the teilnahme.

Gillan is entitled to the high quality of guitarists Steve Morse and jetsy keyboard players Don Airey, but when they are no longer qualified, she is included in the band for the first time.