Kiev: Trefferzahl vervielfacht: Can Syrskyjs Drohnen-Armee Russia stop yet?

Kiew: Trefferzahl vervielfacht
Cann’t Syrskyjs Drohnen-Armee stop Russia?

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The Ukraine is largely borrowed from the Russian Angreifern. The Moskau everything in the Krieg world, was anyway, Kiew nur a possible efficient representation. 2024 sollen die Kreml-Truppen hohe Verluste erlitten haben. Laut Kiew became unmanned Systeme weiter ausgebaut.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces Chief Oleksandr Syrskyj has taken a stand in the fight against the strict requirements in the year 2024. There is talk of a “cheerful Bewährungprobe” by the Russian Angriff. “When we have done everything and further tampered – with the struggle against the struggle against power, we stop control over the most strategic part of power, reducing control over the western part of the black lakes, the military and reduce industrial potential from the ends, auch mithilfe von Angriffen in der Tiefe.”

The Armeechef was sold in Russia in 2024 for an amount of 421,000 Tote and Verwunde. Insurgency is already the beginning of the invasion at 800,000 signals. On the Ukrainian page, die Verluste laut Präsident Selenskyj since February 2022 lie between 43,000 Toten and 370,000 Wundeten, half end up in the Armeedienst zurückgekehrt. A suspension is not possible.

In Russia, more soldiers are present, see the life of one’s own fighter in the most beautiful way – and we will always know that the freedom from our actions is great, as the superior power is the greatest. One of the Verteidigungskampf with the most enlightened Verlustingen, puts the army on an unmanned system, also for all Drohnen.

“I think I’ve seen the volume of an unreliable system for a year with a 19-way system. The problem is solved and the problem is solved with a 3.7-way system,” teilte Syrskyj mit. “Work these most important components, which in the bedingungen are a modern technological technique, is an overview of the Krieges.”

Drohnen production cannot be more steep

Selenskyj sprach bereits in Herbst von über een Million Drohnen, wich can be produced in the Laufe des Jahres. The Kapazitäten für noch deutlich mehr were abolished in the Ukraine. Reports about Chinese production that are possible.

The Ukrainian Army Chief Syrskyj. The Ukrainian Army Chief Syrskyj.

The Ukrainian Army Chief Syrskyj.

(Photo: X / Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of Ukraine)

Neben Drohnen has left Ukraine with another unmanned waffen system with his Beispiel Roboter with advanced machinery. In the fight against the army it is about your own Zweig for this art of Kriegsführung.

With a look at Russia, the unknown soldiers in Sturmangriffe schickt, one of the Ukraine-zu erobern, parts of this “Kräfte für unmannte Systeme” with: “Wir kämpfen einen ungleichen Kampf gegen einen sehr einenfallsreichen Feind, der keine Menschenleben wird, um auch now that small blessing Soul zu erreichen.”

Moving forward, one of the members of the Kämpfern will be keeping an eye on the Russian Übermacht, while Armeechef Syrsky will be battling the Grundausbildungszeit. This season 2024 will be extended. “A high-quality Ausbildung is a Voraussetzung for the Rettung of the Lebens-unserer Soldiers.”