“Elle nous a pris par surprise”: 25 après, les Charentais-Maritimes n’ont pas oublié la tempête Martin

On my last name “la tempête du siècle” : at the age of 25, on December 27 and 28, 1999, Martin Frappait les côtes françaises en n’épargnait pas la Charente-Maritime, faisant 13 morts et de nombreux dégâts. The speed flights are only 200 km/h explore the passage, important arbres, bateaux, détrussant les routes. The centaines d’habitations are on the inondées. Même le passage de la meurtrière Xynthia It is no longer possible to erase memories, like the time of the twentieth century. And the date birthday, the owners of a house operation, and the general manager of the port of the Minims receive the proceeds from the souvenirs of this catastrophe for France Bleu La Rochelle.

Magalie and Patrice Couvrat – long-time operators of houses in Angoulins

Aujourd’hui, Magalie and Patrice Couvrat conveyed their exploitation of the houses of Angoulins (Charente-Maritime) with their films, which earned them a coup. Mais à l’époque, in 1999, ils étaient en plein travail, on the ferry to prepare the house commandos for the last birthday parties. “A this period, le bateau Erika in the spotlight. If you come across a pollution risk report in our coastal areas, which is a temperature report, that’s a prize plus a surprise” recontextualize Magalie Couvrat.

The relevant data on the island of Oléron are that the Rafales reach a speed of 200 km/h and 194 km/h on the municipality of Royan. Au petit matin, le couple découvre son exploitation complete ravagee : “rolling stock, tractors, trucks, vehicles, etc.list Patrice Couvrat. “The houses are in the marais, and you can use the water area. Les toles, les toitures, all the way around and all the time “renchérit sa compagne. Le couple dû reairement ses exéditions d’huitres preparées pour le nouvel an, “c’était une catastrophe“They love the couple.

Patrice Couvrat prepared the commandos for the weddings for the last birthdays when Martin exploited a frappé son in 1999 Patrice Couvrat prepared the commandos for the weddings for the last birthdays when Martin exploited a frappé son in 1999 © Radio France
Hugo Marsault

Heureusement,”you show solidarity and it is a comfort” says Magalie Couvrat, “if you are not aware of our new help in recovering the material, and suggest your help, this is a wonderful brand“.

Patrice Bernier, head of the port of the plaisance port of La Rochelle

This solidarity, Patrice Bernier and a real actor, and another actor. If you find on post one of the ports of La Rochelle beach, the capitainerie is always aware of the staff lively on your boat. “Dance my desk, If your children sleep in a dormitory, there are duvets“.

Patrice Bernier, head of the port of plaisance in La Rochelle, had a temporary position in 1999. Patrice Bernier, head of the port of plaisance in La Rochelle, had a temporary position in 1999. © Radio France
Hugo Marsault

It’s time to remember the tension: “on the radio when you call for help from your boat“. The destruction is important and it is important that the persons take away the sensation”d’êtres perdues dans le port. If you have pontoons that tell cassés, that go on march on one of the savait plus si c’était le 33, le 34 or le 35. Je n’avais jamais vu ça“.cette image”a port qu’(il) no connoisseur pass“, Patrice Bernier s’en souviendra toujours. This day, plusieurs centaines de bateaux are very likelycertain emportés, d’autres complètement détruits.

The Minimes harbor has been destroyed by the temperature, two kilometers from the pontoons to the emports. The Minimes harbor has been destroyed by the temperature, two kilometers from the pontoons to the emports.
Capitainerie des Minimes

It’s a bit aussi

On 26/12/2019

AND IMAGES – Tempête Martin: 20 après, the sinistrés de Charente-Maritime n’oublient pas