Grote Begriffe 2024: Denglisch und Therapeutensprech
Wörter, it will last another year, but it will no longer be woolen
From “Consciousness” to “Deep Dive” to “lecker” – the man who suffered a major damage in 2025 would no longer be able to see.
Published at 2:29 PM
Fragment met bloom nicht, met een «Zeitfenster» has, en verschont mich bitte with handouts, calls en «wertvollen» Beiträgen: Denglisch nervt und Therapeutensprech genauso.
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The Sprache is in Fluss, the best is not for anyone here. Trotzdem is a notorisch hörte begriffe, which is one of the nerves. Usually it acts like a German, also an English Ausdrücke, the eingedutscht word or the German gleich ganz ersetzen. Is that in jedem Fall schlimm? Of course not. Aber zu often but still. There is a great therapeutic treatment that goes no further.
Here is the extremely subjective list of all the classic and new things that will never be woolen again in 2025. It is most helpful in that last year when it is a beautiful time.
Slot, der
Damit fing das Elend einst een. When you fragment, when you have the most desire for a beer, you have to wait a while on the calendar, but it has never been a time. Therefore, there are always negative emotions in one of them. Jetzt can be a man, while he is pressed by the Original and more prägnant, if he is informed. It is not that you will see the schlichte Ausdruck «Zeit haben». The swing is fast and poetic, and the man always enjoys it, which means that the life will be free. Particularly in the surrounding environment, the man is the leader at first -> Slide.
Lead haben, den
It looked like the man was in trouble, and the man was niece, was schlimmer ist. Wobei, but: “I am a leader” is neither schrecklicher, but the man resembles the solidly scarred Brust. Jedenfalls: If you are modest, it is worth having more Hoffnung, that the bag is a wirklich eremptet wird. And go to the Kick-off Meeting and anschliesendem Debriefing.
Had the bloom of the intestines also become ‘sich festlegen’ and ‘sich verpflicht’? They are of a different caliber, the blades are more connected! Dedicated, that’s possible.
Hack, der
A beginner, for all young people it is fun to play in the plural, in the form of ‘Beauty-Hacks’, ‘Kitchen-Hacks’ or ‘Life-Hacks’. Gemeint are little tips and tricks for all possible life situations, even if you want a banal inhalation. When the young toll is found, one finds the middle human with the blue shades and goes to the Begriff, who can still cause trouble.
Adjektivist Todeszone. Enjoy your play as well as “heute enjoy the delicious fondue”. Bitte sofort damit aufhören. SOFT.
Allergruseligstes Deglisch for «in Anspruch nehmen». Kürzlich heard: “The geese have claimed fame for themselves.” I’m Ernst.
Trouble, die
It’s not good if there are no problems. That’s the only thing -> Consciousness in it. If I give her problems too, this won’t be the case. The problem is not sexy, there are no problems. Whoso? False Frage.
Rings at the intensive station. It may be that the flourishing of the world has more and more influence on the irrigation, and that is as a rule nullkommanull lebenswichtig, and if man has a lost cause, his passion will be never to change again. It can also all be exciting – it’s a matter of monitoring, relaxing of course – and who of ‘I am even more’ reasons.
Push/Pull Factor, der
Gründe, die für (pull) or a Sache (push) sprinkle. Richig: Man can stand in the night a bit. Oder Anreiz und Abschreckung. Once you know what -> Key Notes and -> Deep Dives are, you may have a vast new experience and brands that are, well, a Push Factor of great Ausmass.
«Das nehme ich mit»
Höfliche Antwort an Sitzungen, if you have an unimportant question, with the man who will take the trouble to solve herumschlagen. Klingt engagiert, heisst aber nichts else als: Sichernöd.
Bel, der
Corona is to blame. We liked everything on video, while lately it lasts no longer, than on 14 hours of a telephone conversation, while you make a “one call” and get a clear insight. It is true that we will live for 100 years, if there are very reefs all the time, if the party stops happening.
Handout, tie
Jene with the sitzungs fetish nannten the seatl, with finding a few veranstaltungen plates, on some handouts. It is a natural way to act on a base, while the man whips his blue and psychedelic mustard malt -> Selfcare.
Slide, der
A neurological thing? Iwo. If the Hellraum projector goes, it’s worth blessing its damals Foil. The problem is that it Ausdruck na de Fortschritt-klingt, sich aber am Wesen or Slides and does one of the following things: The fact is that with the foil it is not even a nor a nor a nor a nor a einen.
Work-life balance, die
It’s popular, but it’s a big miss. It is not that it has a significant value. Some people have a life and no job. Ganz grundsätzlich dunk one thing, if you work in this Gleichung one of his disturbing Element wares. Interesting things: You, who are passionate about your work, use the concept there is little, you who -> Self-care concerns and from -> Consciousness reason, there is more.
«Was power das mit dir?»
Therapeutenprech für «Was meinst du dazu?». So think empathetically. Once you’ve done a few things, it’s true that young children come into the family with jewelry, but it’s not like they stop coming.
Gamechanger, der
The “Richtungsweisend” feeling is no longer so good, they are tricks. If it’s good, it won’t help.
Deep dive
A theme that is discussed very attentively is clarified, and if people raise the alarm, it is longer a presentation with many -> Keynotes, -> Slides and -> Handouts. Genauso will come soon.
Weshalb has never seen a ‘verschied’, but the fact is that it is so often that there are unclear requests. Unternehmen, who never fail nor brusten, can irgendwie comfort a man.
I think I have taken a seat in the sin of «Danke für deinen wertvollen Beitrag». Looking back at all the possible consequences of the arms trade, the reward is that it is a natural length of the enterprise. Deleting is now no longer possible. The others look after the very good results in the Runde and fulfill themselves with fatal Weise ermutigt.
Consciousness, die
Allenthalben soll man sein Bewusstsein schärfen. If you have the right to get her idea, it’s not like you’re going to be bald if you get burned out. Man does not think that his feelings can lead to a burden -> Mental burden.
Keynote, die
It is an idiosyncratic community, but you cannot even become a runterleiter, under the Leute Mitreisst and for a theme that is managed. If you are faced with a problem and honest behavior, it may be that a work-related problem will occur, you will be given a Keynote, or a solution could be found.
Self-care, die
Eingedeutscht Selbstfürsorge. As we get older, other people will no longer know how to permanently enjoy -> Work-Life-Balance and -> Me-Time reason. It just so happens that there is a -> red flag.
Me Time
If I understand correctly, Me-Time is probably an unintentional problem. If we have the time for his braucht, whatever bed rest is an unacceptable situation, then it is some introvert.
“I can cope with criticism”
Ist, erstens, brandschwarz lied, and black IMMER. Zweitens man sofort Reissaus nehmen, denn Leute, he is haupten, since the ultimate -> red flag.
Mental strain
Abfallsäcke posten, das Büsi impfen lassen, der Schwiegermutter zum Geburtstag gratulieren, the Sanitär anrufen, everything, a man and a gewöhnlichen Tag im Leben sothink sollte, heisst heute Mental Load. Wobei das like a pure weibliches Phänomen gilded. Begründung: Everything is exclusive and the woman hangs. Interesting: Obschon the men at the overwhelming values of the couple, nor the main character, save anyone from a financial burden.
Red Flag, die
Synonym for Alarmzeichen beziehungsweise «Jesses, hurry away!». Zum Beispiel in een zijn anbahnenden Beziehung, als man sich gewahr, het object van de Begierde is een Liegeveld-hatte. And that’s in the eyes of the eye.
Employee experience
HR-Sprech for an easy start, take your time with the Mitarbeitenden. If you want to save the most money, if you no longer want a ticket, or with a possible purchase, you can contact your customer. So if the employee experience lasts longer, they may never be friended again.
Offboarding, that’s it
HR-Sprech für die Zeit, de von der Kündigung bis zum letzten Arbeitstag vergeht. Direction, damn it acts like one of the first experiences, but it wasn’t too bad! It is worth starting the onboarding, even if it concerns the time the new venture with the company will be trautted. Spätestens da is no genügend Zeit, een Rückzieher zu machen, denn guaranteed zählen diese Boardings zur -> Employee Experience, that man not machen will.
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Bettina Weber ist Autorin der SonntagsZeitung und schreibt über gesellschaftspolitische themes.More information
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