Steglitz-Zehlendorf: Salon-Orchestre Berlin veranstaltet Neujahrskonzert

Das Schlosspark Theater in Steglitz-Zehlendorf Let a tradition consist of a Neujahrskonzert. Das Salon-Orchester Berlin starts on January 1 with a program with Swing, Walzer and zeitlose Evergreens under the direction of Christoph Sanft. The content of the Schlosspark Theater on the website with.

The musical score was performed untermalt by the singers Susann Hülsmann and Armin Horn. Very much because of the concert during the show couple Sabine and Marco Rissmann, with the swing and boogie-tanze contributions of the audience.

More information and tickets are available Website des Schlosspark Theaters erhältlich.

Quelle: Schlossparktheater

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