HelloFresh is able to sell 75 million euros and – with great jubilation!

The Kochboxenserver HelloFresh has made a deal worth 75 million euros. In the Mitteilung vom Montagabend concrete das Unternehmen, it would not have been more than 10 million Aktien. The headquarters of these Rückkaufs besteht, the zurückkauften Aktien einzuziehen and the Grundkapital der Gesellschaft zu reduce. If we examine the results of the results, the rules in the program for the termination of the program will be implemented in the year 2025. Let the zurückgekauften Aktien zur Refüllung von Verpflichtungen aus diesen Programm be used.

The Aktienrückkaufprogram starts on January 2, 2025 and starts on December 31, 2025. The banking affairs were passed on by a bank and the Frankfurter Wertpaperbörse, while the debtor took on the debt, the Rückkauf jederzeit or zu beenden. The best is the chance that you will lose the 75 million euros bet.

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