Ukraine-Krieg in Liveticker: +++ 03:45 Störung an Ostseekabel: Schiff verantwortlich? +++

Ukraine-Krieg im Liveticker
+++ 03:45 Störung en Ostseekabel: Schiff responsible? +++

After the Australian cable cars in Finland and Estonia are connected to the Finnish Polizei, there is a schiff for the accountable source of the economy. It’s about nighttime service. “The police did not pay attention to the care and others who handle the Ereigniskette des Vorfalls.” The power of the police is no longer present here. Last time it was a medium and strong current to the strong power connector “Estlink 2” of 658 Megawatt.

+++ 02:33 Explosion on Russian Frachter: Eigentümer spricht von Terrorakt +++
After a Russian Frachters in the Middenmeer spread a message about their own ownership of a media report of a terrorist action in Spain. The Russian state nachrichtenagentur RIA has seen a spark of oboronlogistics, which reported the “Ursa Major” explosion in 14 days, after which explosions were announced on the Steuerbordseite, RIA reported later. Oboronlogistics has engaged the military militia of the Russian Defense Ministry. After a heavy war with the “Ursa Major” with two ships, a deck of port cranes on the road to Vladivostok in Fernen Osten Russlands. Zudem habe sie Teile für neue Eisbrecher laden. The 2022 US bombardment links to the Russian military with sanctions, like the “Ursa Major” itself.

+++ 01:12 Biden targets the Solidaritätsgrüße and Ukraine +++
US President Joe Biden has addressed Russian anger over the Ukrainian city and its energy infrastructure on the current Weihnachtsfeiertag. “Zie these unheuerlichen Angriffs wars be, de Ukrainian bevölkerung in winter, de heat en de flux van de nehmen und de certainty van de de flux engendered die heat,” Biden said. The US State Department has strengthened Waffen love and Ukraine. Since the beginning of the Russian invasion in 2022, the US has raised $175 billion in Ukraine’s debt.

+++ 00:07 Tanker Unglück in Crimea: Russian Wissenschaftler entsetzt +++
Nach der Havarie von zwei Öltankern vor der durch Russland annektierten ukrainische Halbinsel Krim kritisieren Russian Wissenschaftler die Aufräumarbeiten. Volunteers, who can carry out their expenditure on the mobilization of the labor market, can no longer look at the new world, erklärt Viktor Danilow-Daniljan, Leiter des Instituts für Wasserprobleme der Russian Akademie der Wissenschaften and früherer Umweltminister. “There is no Bulldozer, no Lastwagen. Practically no Maschinen,” says Danilow-Daniljan. Die Freiwilligen nur “Schaufeln und nutzlose Plastiktüten, die zerreißen”, critique er. “When the bag is empty, it comes to an end, Stürme comes and they land in Meer. That is unforgettable!”. Such criticism of behavior is rare in Russia.

+++ 23:08 Russian Drohnenschwärme suchen Ukraine heim +++
The Russian army has flooded Ukraine with Drohnenschwärmen. The lone groups of camp fighters fly out of the various Himmelsrichtungen, with the officer an official message. In more regions where the Luftalarm is being carried out, it is clear that the airflow from Drohnen’s airflow has not disappeared.

+++ 22:00 Selenskyj zündet Gift from Javier Milei and +++
Ukrainian President Wolodymyr Selensky has come up with the first Christmas gifts from Argentina’s Amtskollegen Javier Milei – during the festive start of the eight days and eighth Judean Hanukkah festivities in the past. “And he is together with the rabbis of the Ukrainian Chanukah-Menorah angezündet,” Selensky wrote a message on Selenskyj entered the Jewish community and brought the age-old Christmas and Hanukkah celebrations to the public, in the Ukraine that could celebrate the festival “with genuine respect”.

+++ 21:04 Ukraine hat new Drohne – deren Name schon relativ berühmt ist +++
A new Drohne is in Ukraine that his military nutzung is freely supported, as another report from the “Kiev Independent”. It deals with a model called “Schtschedryk”. It is the best choice of a control station and a controlled flight, if the electric motors are installed, what is the message heißt. There are broader positions of the electronic Kriegsführung and Könne with the overwachung of the Russian activities on the Schlachtfeld-beauftragt were, heißt is aus the Ukrainian Defense Ministry.

The name ends up on another Anthem, on the Grundlage of the English Christmas classic “Carol of the Bells”. The Freigabe zur militärischen Nutzung am western Christmas season also seems appropriate.

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