Remembering a Tsunami Sacrifice:“The Lake has taken away my child”
If you are Muslim, Christian and Buddhist, there is a tradition and a little more, one of the best ideas: this is how Asia is affected by 230,000 tsunamis.
In my thoughts and the Tsunami sacrifice for 20 years I have combined a great human spirit in Indonesia, Thailand and Sri Lanka. 26.12.2024 | 0:28 min
20 years after the rampant Indian Ocean tsunami, man has recovered 230,000 tons from the catastrophe. In der Provinz Aceh in Indonesian Vermelten ich Tausende Bewohner zum Gebet in een Moschee in Banda Aceh, many such später Massengräber auf. Weinend extends over Blumen ab.
Everything in Ulèë Lheuë, a Vorort von Banda Aceh, lies more when 14,000 unidentified Tsunami sacrifices are seized. It is now one of the lake masses in Banda Aceh, in the capital of Aceh province. The area is affected by the consequences, the heart of the natural disaster was hit.
Trauer am Massengrab von Ulèë Lheuë: 14,000 unidentified Tsunami victims are buried here.
Quelle: AFP
Tsunami-overlebender weiß nicht, wed seine toten Kinder since
“We are missing and we will never forget, we are there,” said one Trauernder, Muhamad Amirudin. There was a 20-year sail through the Tsunami. Your Leichen cannot be financed.
If you want to know more, you will be able to visit Massengräber in Ulèë Lheuë and Siron.
Mohammed Amirudin
Amirudin has come with the seine fisherman Frau. “Dieses Leben is nur temporärärärär, tun wir our bests, um for other nützlich zu sein”, it is clear.
The animation said it was on December 26, 2004 and the next Flutwellen followed. 19.12.2024 | 1:07 min
Tears at Memorials in Thailand
In Thailand if you think one of the thoughts in Ban Nam Khem is one, a small fishing village in Phang Nga province, there are heart problems. Trauernde vergossen Tränen and trösteten einander, während sie Blumen and einem Denkmal niederlegten. Around 300 people consider themselves a Zeremonie, both of which are spoken of by the Muslim, Christian and Buddhist traditions.
Urai Sirisuk paints, the rest of the years is perhaps the best on the beach, the four-year-old men’s delight is still a bit schmerze, when they entered.
I have a happy life, that’s more than my child, my child taken away. I am very happy (that’s more). I can’t touch the water even once.
Oerai Sirisuk
It is still true that the stimme in the ohr has still not reached your heart. “I cannot be abandoned. I must be here, for my child.”
The Tsunami Catastrophe kills more than 8,000 people in Thailand, it costs a lot of loss.
If: Milch für die Götter
In If Vermmelten sich Hunderte Menschen am Strand Marina Beach in Chennai, in the capital of the southern state of Tamil Nadu. If you have Milch in more, a Götter zu besänftigen. They sail boats and speak Gebete für die Toten. Officials will run 11,000 people in India through the Tsunami with Leben, in Tamil Nadu everything will go fast 7,000 Tote.
I am indian chennai memories about 2004 tsunami.
Quelle: dpa
In Sri Lanka The survivors and hints of the experience in the Coastal region will come to life, with a beautiful memorial for 2,000 people who will be remembered for their journey: The Eisenbahn “Queen of the Sea” would certainly be found in a Riesenwelle. Now there are only a few people who experience unhappiness. More than 35,000 Tsunami-Tote were purchased in Sri Lanka. I started a country with a few minutes of thought and thought about the possibilities.
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Quelle: AP