Fröhliche Weihnachten!: Weihnachtsgrüße and a Pro-Emblem at Forum zum Fest

We wish everyone to enjoy reading about the holidays and celebrating Christmas festivities! Unseren ComputerBase-Pro-Nutzern has created a new “Pro-Emblem” on a virtual KI-Weihnachtsbaum in those years. Details about the party program information covered in this news.

Before you start for more years, you can count on the free ComputerBase Pro from inzwischen for up to 2,700 lessons for free and with a handy feature. Pro-Nutzer has made a voluntary financing application to obtain its own financing on ComputerBase.

In no time, in the Clickbait, Skandale and auto-generated text as more brand names appear, that support is for a larger part of you. You can rely on your Stammleser so that you can separate this path or the Duldung from Anzeigen on ComputerBase.

ComputerBase is our passion, for a team of 25 years, none of us can be alone in Spaß an der Freude.

A pro emblem for Pro-Nutzer

They are pro-Nutzern in der Vergangenheit under wieder geäußerten Wunsch, ihren Support für ComputerBase auch öffentlich Zeigen zu können, möchten wir dieses zum Fest daher endlich nachkomommen.

Pro-Emblem on forum (light mode)

Pro-Emblem on forum (dark mode)

Image comparison: Pro-Emblem on forum (light mode) Pro-Emblem on forum (dark mode)

The new “PRO” emblem is posted on the forum on profiles and is no longer used – if the man wants it. The emblem is no longer visible in the profile settings on the forum and not. General gold plated:

  • If Pro-Nutzer is equipped with the option, the label is automatically activated – it is not activated automatically.
  • If you don’t want to stop anymore, the automatic support will appear – you cannot remove the label.

If it takes longer for the professional in the community to express itself, if it is some other tribe, it is also not the case that it becomes Schritt such that it will cause major offenses and ehrlich zu.

ComputerBase Pro is now one of the options that other people can use on ComputerBase.

We will like it if we have an opinion of our own, if someone else is interested, and a problem with an opinion of our own would be so good that he has gone crazy. If you want to know everything, then the banner’s charge is no longer from the Seiteninhalts-führt, but also do not click to use “daneben gehen”. Generally it is possible to obtain an inhalation and usability. Very happy, davon!

Use a program for the next tag

When these years have begun, the feelings and the times will have a centuries-old tradition, which will probably be inhaled and planted. If there is a CB-Funk Podcast, this is not the case.

  • Am 1. Weihnachtstag started zum 8. Mal in Folge die large Community-Umfrage: Welche Hardware and IT products will be in use by the end of 2024? Could you Ryzen on the Intel-K CPU problem with the previous problem and should Radeon go beyond Federn with GeForce welding? We have lived together in these years since we have been able to find answers to these and many other questions. After everyone has used the ComputerBase bags in Dark-Mode-Design for the first time – that’s not the case!
  • On 2. Weihnachtsfeiertag is for all, when Nikolaus-Rätsel 2024 waged a war, which was controlled by ComputerBase-Weihnachts-Rätsel. A handful of gilded photos appeared in January this year, while looking at ComputerBase bags in Dark-Mode-Design – it’s a good idea to take a crack at this.
  • Am 27. Dezember read the Hüllen fallen and betrayed, while the Spiele Unsere Highlights had been in those years, was played and was ultimately a solution. Fabian and Max have never written a story before and people who want to do it themselves can tag in the ComputerBase podcast of recent years with a personal gaming overview: CB-Funk #97 has been published in spare time.
  • Am 28. Dezember will click once on our private gaming PCs: is it a good CPU and a graphics card? Would one of the researchers do a study in the Schreibtian way and delve into the hints you need? The Einblicke gift is nach dem Fest.
  • The theme of the year 2024 will be released on March 29. This month: Welche Artikel and Welche News were updated during my last clicks and comments, Welcher Podcast hat das Rennen gemacht and welche thematic roten Is it perhaps the case that the coming years will be promoted? Seid tense!

If you want to plant plants, the themes of the editors can be changed, all desired results in the industry of the Feiertagen and Urlaub weiterhin provided follow-up. During the previous edition, which started immediately after 2025 at the CES, could I spend the day in my year doing everything differently – or come at the end so that the Gerüchteküche zur well-earned Auszeit?

The year 2025 started with great pleasure

When we came up with a man, everything started right away in the year 2025 – born on January 6 at CES 2025 in Las Vegas. Erwartet became:

Was erwartet ihr euch vom Jahresauftakt? If the Neuankündigung-fiebert was interested in his or her life, was there no interest? The last thing is that we clear the comments in the comments.

If so, this is the first time you’ll get the same feeling!

The ComputerBase Team