From: mk
Bozen – Stop all investments in scrubber dust mobility and an expert for the new scrubber dust strategy – by the climate club South Tyrol (KCS).
The South Tyrol water strategy would last more years and would need to be implemented urgently. The KCS is for wasser dust in the sectors of seasonal energy, chemical production and green steel production, which produce wasser dust at Bussen, Zügen and in the Schwerlast area. Industries, misery in Zukunft Wasserstoff are being destroyed in South Tyrol.
South Tyrol invests more than one million euros in Wasserstoff buses and Wasserstoff tank sets. If you sign up for a Vermehrt battery-electric bus in the interior, it will be financed by the KCS. Ensure that the electrical infrastructure is used for wiring electrical buses and other electrical devices. One consequence of electromobility in South Tyrol is a long machine life.
The battery electric energy becomes vastly more energy efficient and can be used as detergent mobility and bring millions of dollars to market. “Führende Lkw- und Bushersteller confess öffentlich dazu, dass der Wasserstoffantrieb emptlich een Nischenlösung darstellt, während sich die Gegenwart and Zukunft ultimately in richtung battery-electrical Antrieb moving“, so the KCS. South Tyrol, with a higher flow rate, often burdened with air quality and ideal landscape topography, offers perfect Voraussetzungen for battery-electric buses such as Schlüssel with a green open traffic – special areas, with excellent traffic connections.
“South Tyrol has no illusions, but a few things and follow-up approaches.” The Klima Club provides the responsible, a way and the way for a sauber and safe mobility of ebnen.
Fakten statt Fake News in de Klimakrise, dafür setzt sich der Klima Club Südtirol in a new project one: The new series “Short Facts” Der Klima Club Südtirol is broadcast (with the Unterstützung der Stiftung Sparkasse) on the most important themes of the Energiewende, Heizungswende, Verkehrswende und zur Klimakrise in de “Short Facts” on the treatment homepage. In the first case it is a discussion conducted by Thema Wasserstoff. Find an overview of the topics that are the most important facts in South Tyrol, podcasts, messages and interviews with other media. Diese Short facts It is a practical follow-up work, a complex theme.