Rocky-punky Christmas party in “Jozz”

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Rocky-punky Christmas party in “Jozz”“The Rookies” by Hoya. Andy Zumaya © Zumaya, Andy

Am 26. Dezember is Schluss mit Besinnlichkeit. I am a member of the “Christmas Classics” and see the bands “Fat Belly”, “Hey Nille” and “The Rookies” in “Jozz” Sulingen for a rock-punk Christmas party. Einlass ist from 20 Uhr, the Eintritt ist free.

Sulingen – Wer genug hat von Glöckchenklang, for the “Christmas Classics” in the Sulinger Jugendzentrum “Jozz” is an alternative. Three Bands travel through Donnerstag, 26. Dezember, de Besinnlichkeit.

“Fat Belly” from Hannover de Beweis treten a melodic Punk rock that now comes from Scandinavia or the USA. The group has not been put to the test since 2005, but Alben has more light “, Fat Belly’ machen Spa”, he is in the ankündigung, “they serve genre-cliches after faith and is for no harm. Deshalb finished with his Konzert in a party.” Art and personal attention become clear after “now is the tanz bar”.

“Hey Nille” from Lüneburg. Private © Private

In a different direction, “Hey Nille” from Lüneburg is: Modern German rock music mixed with the critical and nachdenkliche themes that constitute the problems of the community, personal self-discovery or the Abrechnung with capitalism. I received the text “Nille” as a travel article, from my messages and messages about messages.

The overview of the line-ups consists of the band “The Rookies” from Hoya. Bereits 2020 is being celebrated, after all the bereits am Rosa-Musikwettbewerb teil en traten bei verschiedenen Festivals in der Region auf. The active line-up from the 15th to 22nd centuries appears in those years, and there are cover songs of “Simple Plan”, “Green Day”, “Bowling for Soup” or “The Ataris” that create their own musical style from pop melodies -Punk with its dreistimmigem-sang.

“Big Belly” from Hannover. Private © Private

“There is a program from the stage that has been a program,” with Volkhardt “Raspe” Schumacher for the Circle of Human Rights Organizers. Neben Guest from the active Stammpublikum erwarte man auch wiederviele “Ehemalige”, and the Café des Hauss lade a zum Treffen, Klönen, Wiedersehen. The end of the tour is on the 26th of December starting at 8 p.m., the end of the day is free.