The Hamburger Projektentwickler Becken acts as a Hoffnungsträger for the revitalization of the KWU-Türme am Offenbacher Kaiserlei. Am Montag hat das Haus jedoch Informationen bestätigt, wonach Becken nicht longer an der Übernahme des Areas von der in Schieflage geratenen Adler Group from Luxembourg is interested.
After having carried out the projects with a high quality of the früheren-kraftwerkparte of the Siemens-konzerns, Becken has had the opportunity to realize the realization of the design of the plant series through the propagated modules of a gegenwärtigen wirtschaftlichen bedingungen not possible See, antwortete Becken on the Nachfrage der FAZ “For the background that Becken decided, the project with this idea will not be followed and vom Rücktrittsrecht Gebrauch zu machen”, this is es am Montag later.
Frankfurter Immobilienkonzern ABG bleibt im Rennen
The idea, the high temperature of the fries Siemens Kraftwerk Union am Kaiserlei with accelerated Wohn-Modulen to breathe new life into, the almost who Schubladen in the Hochhausgerippe were sollten, hat the bishige Becken-Geschäftsführer Jörn Stobbe vorangetrieben. If you choose from the other countries, you will have to choose from the Kaufoption party.
Weiter im Rennen bleibt der Frankfurter Immobilienkonzern ABG. This will be another urgent need for living space for student buildings on the Areal am Offenbacher Kaiserlei. Allerdingshoed ABG Chief Frank Junker If the start of November is clear, the Hochhausgerippe will not be covered, so let us know how to get home. If you do not do this, the Witterung years may no longer be performed. Abriss and Neubau are a economical variant.
The Offenbacher Oberbürgermeister Felix Schwenke (SPD) said at the Nachfrage that the Ausscheiden Stobbes no longer existed in the Schritt Beckens. Schwenke hofft nun, dass die ABG in de Verhandlungen mit der Adler Group ergolgreich ist. Die Stadt Offenbach with the ABG in Austausch style, who comes out with a “vernünftiges Baurecht einschließliche student living, bezahlbarem Living space, Gewerbe and Living” from the closet.
Adler will make millions of dollars
The city was created by Adler, the group is with the ABG on a progressive price, a vernünftiges previous, which Schwenke further expanded. Becken hates with the Adler Group a Rücktrittsrecht vom Kauf des Grundstücks vereinbart. This option may take longer, but it will last a few years. Becken hat die Recht nun genutzt.
Adler will release the Vernehmen after a large amount of millions for the Area and the Border Swiss Offenbach and Frankfurt. The group that founded the area of various real estate companies Christoph Gröner has filed an insolvency application for the Gröner Group. A private company could win the “Handelsblatt” with a million dollars.