Here a mumble has been made a mistake

Taleb A. brought Tod and Zerstörung nach Magdeburg. There are a lot of nice people and the 200 week delay might be worth it. Under the Toten is one of the newcomers André G. Seine Mutter Désirée has now become emotional and posted on Facebook. She writes: “Last my little Teddy Bear is still alive.”

Nun is your grandmother and grandfather in Himmel

And more: “André hatte keinem was tanned… there was war, but first 9 years before our time…. whoso du… whoso now. I’m proud of you….. now you are with Grandma and Grandpa in Himmel. You are so lost…. so you are missing here.” Then you will be completely lost in your life: “You will always be in our new life…. that is what I am doing.”

A relative of the family wrote: “It is incomprehensible. André lived for a smaller Angel. There is a way for people to enjoy the liberal arts and their zest for life. Mein tiefstes Mitgefühl a wonderful family. I would like to have all Kraft and Zusammenhalt. I’m thinking of a euch.”

André G. war Mitglied der Kinderfeuerwehr

André G was the leader of the Kinder-Feuerwehr in the Wolfenbüttel district. “With greater concern for our people schweren Anschlag on the Christmas market in Magdeburg Erfahren“, teilt die Kreisfeuerwehr Osnabrück mit. And further: “That sin and herzlose Tat is all very controversial. Moreover, it is tragic that the Verlust is a 9-year-old children’s army from the Wolfenbüttel district, which means that this terrible honor is lost in life.”

Kreisbrandmeister Ludger Flohre said this with: “The terrible fate of André, with the help of a lower German army family, dramatically says the unerring destruction of the lives of André, caused by the many deaths and losses.” He also wrote: “My sincere gratitude.” in diesen Stunden bij all from Opfern dieser Gewalttatwhile we all take into account the question that has arisen from this schrecklichen Ereignis im Einsatz.”

Firefighters are entitled to spend on the family of André G. on

An affected family is in the midst of the crisis, and the Landesfeuerwehrverband Niedersachsen will receive assistance from the Social Fund.

The German Army comrades write on this page: “We are together with our German Army family in these days. Were they alive, they could spend a day.” The Link zu der Spendenseite des Landesfeuerwehrverbandes can be found here.