Schweigeminute and Konzertabsage in Landkreis

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Schweigeminute and Konzertabsage in LandkreisSchweigeminute auf dem Schongauer Weihnachtszauber: Die Besucher thoughts der Opfer des Anschlags. © Hans Helmut Herold

After the Anschlag in Magdeburg is in the country that anteilnahme large. An event is being held in Steingaden, in Schongau it is a Schweigeminute. Imam Benjamin Idriz spoke a Stellungnahme ab.

Weilheim-Schongau – “The attention to the Christmas market in Magdeburg is always welcome. We stop in this moment and think of the many possibilities,” said the evangelical Pfarrer Michael Bischoff in the Samstag of the Bühne des Schongauer Weihnachtszaubers. Neben of the Organizer of the Markets, Claus Konrad, and also of the Catholic Stadtfarrer Ulrich Manz.

Konrad hatte de Christkindlmarkt at 19 p.m. in the evening, with a pleasant atmosphere and the attentiveness of the holidays, both in one day 50-Jähriger in Magdeburg with a car on the Christkindlmarkt fuhr en zahlreiche Personen tötete and verletztezu remember. Konrad informed the Besucher, the German landweit about Weihnachtsmärkten für ein Gedenkand the possibility of the Beleuchtung becoming ausgemacht. An initiative of the Verbands der Schausteller, which runs in the family.

It still remains on Marienplatz. Nur de Kerzen op de Christbaum bliben een. Many of the visitors have come to the stage. Bürgermeister Falk Sluyterman is impressed. In the Gesichtern is Betroffenheit und Trauer zu recognised. Pfarrer Bischoff has done everything he can to do everything. Un an die Botschaft des Engels: Fürchtet Euch nicht. “Fürchtet Euch nicht, damit der Hass nicht die Oberhand bekommt”, so Bischoff. If you follow Schweigen, the route will be erased. Pfarrer Manz bittet a solidarity and stimulated a lie, the guest came together with. Dann spends a segment. A nachdenklicher moment, with the silent Hoffnung, that is a scary thing. Das Innerhalten is a good and right choice, said Claus Konrad. If so, it will continue with the market, a terror that no longer wants to weld.

I lived in a room where I lived for a long time in Christkindlmärkte more information. If we see the larger markets in the Penzberger Raum, we cannot get into the situation, but in a large city, which is segregated, he is at the Penzberger Polizei.

Dark Tenor during the Anschlagtag in the bartender’s church on – Konzert in Steingaden abgesagt

An Absage takes effect before an event Steingaden – everything is not known to the Police. The Entscheidung went from Veranstalter and Künstler aus. Billy Andrews, known as “Dark Tenor”, plays in the Samstag for the Welfenmünster-spiels. Buden with fresh food and food trucks in parallel with 1000 visitors.

The artists who lived in Magdeburg themselves lived in a neighboring church and concert hall. The band from Magdeburg has been hit hard emotionally, explains Alexander Mößmer, Veranstalter des Steingadener Events. The “Dark Tenor” is included in a social media video, “the concert in Steingaden has not been played, it will be clear”. There are no Weihnachtsliederen in the Weihnachtsmarkt-Atmosphäre-spielen. Herz, Stimme and Gedanken are at the Opfern and Angehörigen.

The Konzert soll möglichst im January nachgeholt became, so Mößmer. This müsse is a Montag with Gemeinde and Künstler abklären. Details will follow later. There is no disruption to the construction and technology during the night on Samstag. A large part of the bud has survived. There are many indications that the abstention is not lawful. Teilweise bis aus Immenstadt, Garmisch or Sonthofen is angry. More clarity about the situation in front of you: “It is not possible to understand this, but it is not possible to understand it.”

The tickets turned out to be good, there was an Erstattung that would report this. It may be that the unannehmlichkeiten, aber ihm sei es wichtig, “dass wir in der Gemeinschaft zammenstehen and uns gegenseitig unterstützen.”

Penzberger Imam Benjamin Idriz gibt Stellungnahme zu Anschlag in Magdeburg ab

Auch der Penzberger Imam Benjamin Idriz, Vorsitzender of the Münchner Forum Islam, drückt de Opfern Mitgefühl und Solidarität aus. One of the critical critiques states that “the Anschlag in Magdeburg is no longer considered “Terror””. As mentioned, there is talk of “no Muslim war, an ex-Muslim and very sharp criticism of Islam”.

So if the Täter in Solingen is regarded as an “Islamist terrorist”, the Täter in Magdeburg will be treated as an “Einzeltäter” because the Zahl der Opfer is greater. “The perfidious approach to the concept of ‘Terror’ through the course of politics establishes a double standard, which is as ill-considered as unerträglich ist,” thus Idriz. ‘The Anschlag in Magdeburg was a Terrorist, and the Täter was a Terrorist. An AfD-Unterstützer-Terrorist, der Islam und Muslime hasste.” Magdeburg said, that is probably Hass’s thing. Germany is only afraid of Muslims, but also of ‘extremists of all arts’, i.e. the imam.

Von Manfred Ellenberger, Hans-Helmut Herold and Elena Benedikt