The German Ski Jumper has not had the best of starts in his first season. Andreas Wellinger became best of the team of Bundestrainer Stefan Horngacher at Engelberg on Vierten Platz. Der 29-Jährige jumped 128 and 140 meters wide.
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The Siege sich der Österreicher Jan Hörl for his team colleagues Daniel Tschofenig and the Swiss Local Matador Gregor Deschwanden. Der im Gesamtweltcup führende Pius Paschke invests in the swinging and wechselnden Windbedingungen diesmal als drittbester Deutscher nur de zehnten Platz. Karl Geiger was happy.
Paschke: “Heute was not entirely optimal”
Paschke hat in diesem Winter bislang fünf Einzeljumpen won. The age of 34 is the great German Hoffnungsträger for the Vierschanzentournee nach Weihnachten – the fact is that the season result is nichts. Paschke jumped 134 and 125.5 meters deep. In the new Einzelwettbewerben that season, a German jumper takes center stage on the podium.
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“I enjoyed a new Wettkämpfen eight times as much. “Heute was not completely optimal,” said Paschke in the ARD. “It’s a small thing, but the power has really fallen.” Horngacher said: “Auch der Pius cannot always win. That is normal in Sports.”